Inspired by Buttigieg- Mormon valedictorian comes out in graduation speech – IOTW Report

Inspired by Buttigieg- Mormon valedictorian comes out in graduation speech

‘I am proud to be a gay son of God’: Mormon valedictorian comes out in graduation speech.

Seattle Times-

“Four years ago, it would have been impossible for me to imagine that I would come out to my entire college,” he continued. “It is a phenomenal feeling. And it is a victory for me in and of itself.”

A private conquest, the speech also marked a notable chapter in a searching public debate about faith, sexuality and generational change.

The affirmation came from Matthew Easton, 24, who was being celebrated as the valedictorian in the political science department — and the graduating senior chosen to deliver remarks at the ceremony for the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences.

Held up as a model for his classmates, he spoke plainly about the part of him that his church finds less commendable. Before an audience of about 10,000 — which included family members to whom he had not disclosed his sexuality — Easton asserted his value and his role in divine intent.

“I am not broken,” he declared. “I am loved and important to the plan of our great creator. Each of us are.”

Easton, in an interview with The Washington Post, said he has been inspired by the way Pete Buttigieg, the Democratic mayor of South Bend, Ind., and upstart candidate for president, has spoken about the connection between his Christianity and his sexuality. He pointed in particular to a speech the 37-year-old gay mayor gave earlier this month to the LGBTQ Victory Fund, in which he assailed the vice president, an evangelical Christian, for his views on sexual minorities.

“That’s the thing I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand: That if you have a problem with who I am, your quarrel is not with me,” Buttigieg said. “Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.”


I agree that everyone is important to the plan of our great creator. Some people are examples of what not to be.

ht/ jd hasty

43 Comments on Inspired by Buttigieg- Mormon valedictorian comes out in graduation speech

  1. “I am not broken,” he declared. “I am loved and important to the plan of our great creator. Each of us are.”…

    Don’t stick penises up your ass, you freak!……and your only maybe 3% of the population so STFU and go back to the back of the bus!!!….

  2. Is it is a graduation for an entire class and this ass clown makes it all about himself on a personal choice that should be his own business. How brave, not. Selfish, self centered and totally inappropriate.

  3. A proud, homosexual, Mormon?
    You can be two of the three, but not all three.
    From his “proud” attitude, I’m willing to bet dollars to doughnuts he’ll be either voluntarily leaving, or be asked to leave, the Mormon church, most riki-tick.

  4. I moved to Utah from liberal Washington State to get away from the effects of leftism. Although I am not Mormon I appreciate the family values lifestyle which perpetrates the area in which I live, also the fact you never see gay people kissing on each other in public. There will be blowback from this.

  5. 4 years of continued education and his number one accomplishment to speak about is how he likes to be spitroasted.

    Way to go, bud. Make sure to get that outstanding achievement on your resume.

  6. Look at all the negative responses in less than an hour. This has been allowed to happen because the left, the media, the schools all cover up what butt f..king is all about. Because they all do it. Simple as that.

  7. If homosexuality is as completely normal as some would have us believe it to be, why the need to “come out” at all? This was a selfish, “it’s all about me” move that put all the attention on him and not on the reason they were there.

  8. It takes alot of courage to come out as a Mormon.

    Saying you’re gay nowadays is like being given the key to the Executive bathroom’s gloryhole.

    But admitting that you believe in one of the worst sequels ever, on par with Jaws 4, the Godfather 3, Wall Street – Money Never Sleeps or Look Who’s Talking Now, well that takes balls.

    Balls that he admitted he sucks in front of his parents.

    He viewed hijacking everyone’s graduation ceremony to proclaim his love of dicks and butts as a resume enhancer.

  9. Ain’t nothing personal anymore?
    Must I be subjected to every internal private idiosyncratic issue from every person on the earth?
    Just keep your damn mouth shut an go on about your business.
    I have no wish to condemn, or celebrate, or participate in anybody else’s antics.

  10. Where are all of these Rump Riders coming from? Now they’re at high school graduations anxious to bust out and tell everybody they’ve found another use for their rectum. As if anyone wants to hear that!

  11. I was born heterosexual.
    Never thought of it as something to be “proud” of – like my hair or my eye color.
    I had nothing to do with it (them).

    So what engenders this sense of “pride?” Where’s the accomplishment?
    He can do 9″ without gagging? 10″?
    Do the “cock and ball” thing in a single motion?
    Take some wino “around the world” in under 8 seconds?

    Sorry. Just not getting the “proud” part.

    He should declare his pride in Mecca … or maybe Medina …

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Let’s see, he is 24 (a little old I think) and a Poli Sci major speaking to the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences. That should be more disappointing to his family than his sexual orientation.

  13. He disrespected his family by not telling them in advance what he was going to say so that one of the greatest moments of their lives would turn to ashes in front of their friends and 10,000 other people. He also ruined this day of achievement for all the other graduates because now this is all this day will be remembered for. He is a nasty little piece of work who thought only of himself and the dame and opportunity this would bring him. I hope his parents choose to no longer recognize him as their son but then he’d probably make money out of this too.

  14. @Tim, it’s the verb pride.

    Be especially proud of (a particular quality or skill).

    For example, “he always prided himself on his ability to deal with a cock in his mouth and anus at the same time.”

    Synonym: take satisfaction in

  15. Why of course, God loves you just because you wear your deviant sexual choice on your sleeve, in defiance of his written word.

    And the “ME, me, ME” attitude, God spoke clearly about that too.

  16. Some points of clarification plus way more information.

    A male BYU Graduate of 24 is not uncommon. That most likely means he took 2 years off to serve a mission for the church at his own cost. LDS missionaries are expected to pay their own way- food, housing, clothing for 2 years and you don’t get paid.

    BYU has an honor code- if you are caught: drinking alcohol or doing drugs and or sexual intercourse you can be expelled. They take it seriously, I personally know people who were kicked out for honor code violations.

    The LDS take is having same sex attraction is not a sin. Acting on the same sex attraction is a sin and that marriage is for a man and a woman. Which means the proud homosexual Mormon is saying “I’m attracted to other men but I have not acted on that impulse”. If he can live with that then more power to him. Now that he is out of BYU and if he begins to start being drilled or drilling other dudes and his ecclesiastical authority finds out church discipline would kick in and the range of action would be Dis-fellowship to Excommunication.

    For those that don’t know- unlike other Churches if you are excommunicated in Prior Lake Minnesota and move to London UK and try to go to Church there and act like nothing’s happened it won’t work. Your membership records follow you wherever you go and wherever you land, if you go to an LDS Church, your records will follow and your new local ecclesiastical authority will know that you have been excommunicated. Say what you want about the Mormons there is no more organized religion among the organized religions.

    To be clear- if the local ecclesiastical authority finds out a member is breaking the law of Chasity that will be grounds for Church discipline that could go as far as Excommunication. That goes for heterosexual sex outside of marriage, fornication for those that know the meaning of that word and adultery and any same sex type sex to boot. Porn is considered a serious sin- just an FYI. So if you know any Mormons that are not toeing the line you have them dead to rights. If you just want to destroy them inform their ecclesiastical authority and the machine will take over. If you want to blackmail the Jack Mormon (lingo for a Mormon who is only Mormon on Sunday and the rest of the week is living life by their own rules) you now have that power.

    I would not be shocked if there is a shake up at the BYU polly sci department after this; I could be wrong.

    With all that for an explanation one might understand more the Mormon reaction to sexual sin via Never Trumper. All the N/T’s I know are LDS and it is 100% grounded in Trumps sexual morae’s. I think this is the root of Mitt’s insufferable comments. The tact I use with those people now is “you do understand that Trump, with all his personal flaws, has done more good (list includes SCOTUS appointments to pro life to moving our embassy to Jerusalem) as POTUS than Mitt as POTUS because unlike like Mitt Trump WON! Which is to say Mitt, the morally a great person, has caused more morale doom on our country but because Mitt LOST to Obama.(some of that guilt resides with the born-again right who would rather handed the election over to Obama than vote for a Mormon but that is a whole other topic). So far it’s shut down the LDS N/Ts that will talk to me.

  17. From Capt. Dunsel:”Poli Sci major ? He needs to start practicing… “Do you want fries with that?””

    Hardly, our State Department will roll out the welcome. Foreign Diplomatic Corps is loaded with people just like him. Just from better schools.

  18. @Larry The Liberal Loser

    Here’s another comment. Homophobia is a myth. Conservative God believers aren’t afraid of evil people like queers. We feel disgust, not fear. It’s the same sort of disgust one feels towards a cockroach.

    Do you get it now?

  19. I would be surprised if his gayness were news to anyone. When I was in college everyone knew who was gay, whether they ‘came out ‘or not. It was not a big deal. This guy is just parroting Buttigieg, pretending that Pence ‘hates’ gays. Bottom line, this is just more anti Christian propaganda.

  20. UT has been a liberal/progressive Bush/Rove state for decades. Only recently admitting the truth on haw far to the left it has been the last 25 years. He is more of the admissions on haw liberal Ut has been for decades. few in Congress (there are some) are more liberal than their Ronny hating new Sen!

    I am amazed at how many folk are too cheap to take out their wallet and pay attention. that the “leaders” of the GOP and UT have been liberal for decades is obvious if you PAY ATTENTION!

  21. Homosexuality is inherently selfish.

    Sex without the possibility of procreation (it is a biological dead end) is just for hedonistic pleasure.

    This selfish twit made the graduation all about advertising his perversion. He must be hoping to pick up some boyfriends. Sick!

  22. @Jerry

    That huge yapper could accommodate 3, maybe 4 guys at one time, or one big horse, or possibly 2 mules, or a smallish elephant. A whale is probably a stretch.

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