Morning Joe’s Donny Deutsch Previously Wrote About Sexual Fantasies With Female Coworkers – IOTW Report

Morning Joe’s Donny Deutsch Previously Wrote About Sexual Fantasies With Female Coworkers


Frequent MSNBC guest Donny Deutsch, who previously wrote about fantasies with female coworkers, will be hosting his own MSNBC show on Saturday nights.

Deutsch, who appeared on MSNBC’s Deadline: White House Thursday, spoke briefly about his new show, Saturday Night Politics With Donny Deutsch, which will premier this Saturday at 8 p.m. One of his first big interviews will be with Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind., and a leading Democratic presidential candidate.

The former advertising executive has frequently appeared on MSNBC shows such as Morning Joe and Deadline: White House, but he also has described how he “exude[s] sex” in the workplace and fantasizes about female colleagues, which he documented in his 2005 book Often Wrong, Never In Doubt.

In the chapter “It All Comes Back to Babes,” Deutsch highlights how he conducts business relationships with women, saying, “Part of my job in all business relationships is some sort of seduction.”

“If it’s with a guy, we might talk football; if an attractive young woman is involved, I might exude sex. I’ll work it. You use what you have. I’m in shape, I’m decent enough looking, and for a CEO of a large company I’m more dynamic than most,” he wrote. “I find that often works to my advantage, but sometimes not. With women it’s usually a positive.”

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8 Comments on Morning Joe’s Donny Deutsch Previously Wrote About Sexual Fantasies With Female Coworkers

  1. Donnie sure has a high opinion of himself. Good thing he didn’t venture into the ladies room at work, he would’ve been horrified to see “Donnie has a teeny peenie” and “Donnie raped my French poodle” scribbled on the walls.

  2. What sort of name can we give to Donny Douche? Hey, how about the one I just gave him?

    If ever there was a guy who was a personification of a douchebag, it would be Donny Douche. His picture should be in the next Webster dictionary for the entry “douchebag.” Wouldn’t even need a definition

  3. Somebody is actually paying for these clown acts.
    It can’t be all those golden anti-itch cream ads
    Sugar Water Beverages must make Big Bucks, or not.


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