Bitter Angry Nasty Loser Says Elections Can Be Stolen (from her) – IOTW Report

Bitter Angry Nasty Loser Says Elections Can Be Stolen (from her)


39 Comments on Bitter Angry Nasty Loser Says Elections Can Be Stolen (from her)

  1. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Screech!
    Why aren’t you 50 points ahead!
    Having the personality of a Baked Bean Sandwich Trumps all of that you dread-bolted, fobbing, beef-witted, clapper-clawed flirt-gill!

  2. willysgoatgruff
    MAY 5, 2019 AT 9:14 PM
    “Trump had better hair…simple as that….”

    …ha also doesn’t murder people, just sayin’…

  3. Especially when you take campaign days off, sitting on your Fa=Toss and thinking you have it in the bag, DJT worked circles around you. Blame the Hag you put lipstick on every morning!

  4. That critter is so twisted by greed, hate and a lifetime
    of lies that she lives down her own private rabbit hole, where imaginary plotters are constantly undermining her heroic quest to become the Red Queen.

  5. So, let’s see…….Hillary! Is it still unconstitutional to not accept the results of a presidential election like when DJT teased you with: “If I lose, I’ll think about accepting that.”

  6. “run the best campaign”, Hussein, hold by beer, mic drop moment??

    Shut up ya pickled bitch. WE are getting annoyed at you and hopefully AG aka ‘ the MAGA Bear’ is getting PISSED at you.

  7. POTUS Trump held 323 rallies during the primarie/GE in 2016. He had 4 rallies on 11/5, 6 on 11/6 and another 6 on 11/7 (MI, until 1 a.m.), all in different states. And with every stop he just got louder and more energetic. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, you crooked old hag.

  8. “You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you.”

    How inspiring, Hillary. Is that from your “Daily Devotionals”? It’s certainly not “What Happened” You’re a freaking ray of sunshine, you old souse.

  9. This election he will rest his plane and be going to his rallies on Air Force One,how cool will that be to see flying into your city.
    And I for one do not care how much it cost us,the man has saved us from destruction that Hillary would have brought upon us. She is a evil bitch and a loser.

  10. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt f7nt cunt cunt cunt cunt c7nt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt. Cunt

  11. If anyone out there knows how to donate money to expand the computer and information technology opportunities for young Macedonian Content Farmers, please let me know. These people are having a difficult time waiting for the next American election season. I have read that some of these kids are actually working for minimum wages that don’t come close to two dollars a day. As a Clinton Free Country, we owe these Macedonian Content Farmers a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.

  12. Personally, I enjoy seeing her display her mental breakdown for all to see. It is a wonderful thing to know she is so damn miserable. It’s her well deserved reward for all of her transgressions.

  13. And one more thing while I am thinking about it,the President and the First Lady have not taken a vacation yet, official trips yes,Mar-a-Lago for the weekend is not a vacation. Have they had chefs flown in to make pizza or gone to New York for dinner and a show No they have not. By this time the obamas had cost us millions with their partying. Trump donates his salary to us and his wife has a staff of 5 not 24. I could go on but we all know what kind of a President we have,a real one not a fake.

  14. Hey you, Bitch of Benghazi, the job is gone, done with, for ever and ever. Not even a magic wand can bring it back. Now just go away and stop bothering us.

  15. You know, at $2 a head, that is now cheap enough that a group of us could show up and heckle these grifters. We’d get kicked out, but well worth it.

  16. She has to keep up the pretense that she is not guilty of all the things she and her party have accused President Trump of doing. But man, what a mind boggling shameless liar.

  17. “What a great candidate she was…couldn’t beat a glass of water with an “R” on it!”

    She also couldn’t beat a cough with a glass of water. Nice loogies, lady.

  18. Just because you apparently convinced yourself the presidency was yours from the get-go, you thought insulting half the country wouldn’t have any effect on that.
    It’s amazing how consistently wrong some people can be, yet their mental illnesses never allow them to come to terms with it.

  19. Showing up to half filled auditoriums once a week vs a real campaign wher her opponent was flying to six or more locations in a day with packed stadiums and thousands waiting outside.
    Hell, even JEB was the Energizer Bunny compared to her.

  20. Yeah, she will try to be made Empress of America without going through an election. She is so over with elections.

    Says to herself: “Fuck elections, I’ll do it a better way. Let’s see, if I kill all the conservative white men standing in my way, I just might be able to pull it off. But what about Bill? Hmmmm, I might as well kill him too, he’s useless to me anymore. Chelsea, I don’t know. If people find out she’s Web Hubble’s kid, that may be trouble for me. I should have aborted the little bitch. I guess I’d better shoot her too. Yeah, I’ll finally be free of all those people that are trying to keep me from my rightful place in American History. After that, all I have to do is promise everyone a guaranteed livable salary every month. The American people are such nincompoops they’ll buy it.”

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