FBI Lost Notes From Clinton Probe Meeting Significant to Concerns Over Foreign Exfiltration Lead – IOTW Report

FBI Lost Notes From Clinton Probe Meeting Significant to Concerns Over Foreign Exfiltration Lead

Uh-Huh. “lost”


Epoch Times: The FBI lost notes from a 2015 meeting with people from the office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), according to newly released FBI records on the investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s alleged mishandling of classified information.

The news raises concern that some information about an explosive lead passed by the ICIG to the FBI now might be lost.

The lost notes memorialized a meeting that took place on Aug. 3, 2015, less than a month after the ICIG made a referral to the FBI that classified information may have been disclosed in an unauthorized manner to a foreign power because Clinton conducted State Department business through an email hosted on an insufficiently secured server in her basement.

The ICIG-FBI meetings hold special significance because it was allegedly several of these meetings where the ICIG officials passed a lead to the FBI about anomalies in the metadata of the emails indicating that a copy of nearly every email was sent to an agent of a foreign power.

Several lawmakers, as well as the Justice Department’s Inspector Generalpublicly confirmed that then-ICIG Charles McCullough told them about the metadata anomalies and that the lead was communicated to the FBI. The FBI acknowledged that Clinton’s emails could have been breached by foreign actors who covered their tracks, but denied that any evidence of foreign infiltration was found. Several current and former senior FBI officials involved in the Clinton case denied in congressional testimonies any recollection of receiving the metadata lead.

Missing Notes

Based on documents from a tranche released by the FBI around May 6, special agents from the FBI’s Washington field office were going through materials from the Clinton investigation so they could be released pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. On Feb. 4, they tried to find the ICIG meeting notes, which should have been in the case file based on information in the FBI’s electronic case management system. But the notes weren’t there.

An intelligence analyst who was previously assigned to the Clinton case reached out to the FBI staffer who originally wrote the notes.  more here

22 Comments on FBI Lost Notes From Clinton Probe Meeting Significant to Concerns Over Foreign Exfiltration Lead

  1. It’s hard to tell right now whether they’re arrogant assholes shoving a our powerlessness in our faces, or cornered rats telling the laughably stupid lies that cornered rats tell when cornered. Has to be one or the other. All those crashing hard drives of yore were the former. I’m thinking the lost notes are the latter. Keep digging, keep pressing.

  2. I did that shit when I was 13. “Where is your math homework?”

    “What homework?”

    “Your math homework.”

    “I lost that shit.”

    Who knew that could be a viable answer in adulthood?

  3. “The email indicates, however, that the staffer is now with the FBI’s Office of the Chief Information Officer, which manages IT services for the bureau.”

    …where he can destroy any other evidence against Clinton’s/Obama’s.

  4. I remember a news item that came out a couple years ago, just after POTUS Trump took office, in which it was reported that the FBI “lost” automobiles, phones, laptops, weapons, and on and on and on. If it’s a gov’t agency (it is) with a budget (it is) and salable inventory (it is), then it’s probably like every other gov’t agency with costly things that employees can pilfer and sell to their friends, neighbors and connections. And with the executive leadership the FBI has had for at least a decade, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if, through carelessness along, they lost data as important as this.

  5. They’ll probably turn up on the table in the clinton’s living room.
    That’s where they found Vince Foster’s Whitewater files, several months after they went missing and he went dead. They just magically appeared. Did have hillary’s fingerprints on them, too. Just another bloomin’ miracle, that was.

    hey- they do the same thing with people, too

  6. Just think, if President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton hadn’t been incapable (or feeling too entitled) to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, we might not have ever learned about any of these lost notes and hidden, misplaced documents. The Nazis would be envious of the Democrats’ American version of “Nacht and Nabel” (German for Night and Fog). Nothing in this country’s history has ever been more corrupt or seditious than what the Radical Democrats are doing in the name of “Full Disclosure” and “Constitutional Accountability” as they malign and slander President Donald J. Trump and Attorney General William Barr.

  7. That Wray is proving to be a real scumbag. He must have been recommended by one of the backstabbers Trump had surrounding him before he cleaned house. What a useless piece of shat.

  8. Hillary’s “incredibally disappearing files” are
    slathered in violent descriptions of doom.
    From “lost” to scrubbed, bleached, erased, hammered,
    wiped; the only one not used is “her dog ate them”.

  9. As I said whenthe leftist Trey said 6 years ago he’d put GWB;s girl Lois in jail – BS! The UNIPARTY has protected its warriors for decdes.
    Lois has never gon to jail and Clinton will never either!

    For those unfamiliar with the UNIPARTY here are its leaders: Bush/Rove cartel, Clinon machine. BHO, both GOP exSpeakers, Nancy.

    They all belong to the same country clubs and all went to the same colleges.
    When GWB is arrested Clinton willa lso be arrested. DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH

  10. @John: “… the only one not used is “her dog ate them”.”

    They don’t have a dog. They did have ‘Socks’ the cat, which was last seen in the company of feinstein’s chauffeur during one of her late night visits.

  11. Wasn’t it someone here who suggested the Mueller ‘investigation’ into Russian collusion was only to destroy evidence of the left’s illegal activities? Since they thought Killary was a lock on the Presidency, they didn’t cover their tracks. When we elected President Trump out from under them, they had to find a way to get rid of the evidence.

    Mueller and his team “lost” these notes on purpose.

  12. just drove by fbi headquarters and the windows were open as they were hard at work. I didn’t realize they like Janis Joplin so much. I could hear them inside, singing the refrain to ‘Bobby MaGee:’
    ‘freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose’
    I never thought I’d consider that phrase in such a light
    when they have ‘lost’ all the pertinent evidence, they will have their crafted freedom. All they need is more time, but they’re working on it.


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