‘Little-known story of Mary Jo Kopechne’ – IOTW Report

‘Little-known story of Mary Jo Kopechne’

“He used his privilege as a senator and as a well-to-do Kennedy.”


Powerline: I am so old, I actually remember when Chappaquiddick happened. Some years later, I looked into the facts and found that they are quite clear: Senator Ted Kennedy, then 37 years old, drove his car off a bridge and saved himself, leaving a young woman to die, when she could have been rescued if he had simply called for help like a normal human being. Instead, he tried to convince his cousin to take the fall and, failing that, lawyered up. Ted Kennedy is not history’s most contemptible man, but he is easily in the bottom one percent.

Via InstaPundit, we have this: “50 Years Later, ABC ‘Uncovers’ ‘Little-Known Story of Mary Jo Kopechne’”.

Almost 10 years after the death of Democrat Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy of Massachusetts, and 50 years after the death of Mary Jo Kopechne — and almost two years after a major Hollywood film on the incident — the media are starting to finally reveal the truth about what happened at Chappaquiddick.

That film is Chappaquiddick, which I highly recommend. It goes a little easy on Kennedy, but the facts are pretty clearly laid out.

ABC’s 1969 docuseries episode “The Girl in the Car” on Tuesday night finally put the focus on the real victim, Ms. Kopechne (despite Cokie Roberts calling Chappaquiddick “yet another huge tragedy for the Kennedy family” in one cringe-worthy line).

Cokie Roberts is a spokeswoman for the Democratic Party, like most “mainstream” reporters and commentators. She is the daughter of Democrat Hale Boggs, former Majority Leader of the House of Representatives.

ABC’s 20/20 Twitter account promoted, “The little-known story of Mary Jo Kopechne, who died after Senator Ted Kennedy abandoned her in a submerged car. WATCH as #1969ABC uncovers her story…” which begs the question, why is Kopechne’s story so little-known and why is ABC only now uncovering it 50 years later?

I think we all know the answer to that question. One could also ask, why did it take 40 or 50 years for the “mainstream” media to hint at John Kennedy’s predatory sexual behavior while he was president? In the press, party loyalty counts for much more than any commitment to honest reporting. read more

24 Comments on ‘Little-known story of Mary Jo Kopechne’

  1. From an alternative universe:

    “Mary Jo was so very proud.
    Her fellow American patriot, Neil Armstrong was actually walking on the moon!
    It was the epoch of mankind’s achievements.
    She confided to her dear friends about what a strange weekend it had been.
    After spurning sexual advances not from one, but from three perpetually erect Kennedy sociopaths, she realized any association with a democrat could be the death of society and perhaps even lead to her own demise.
    While watching Neil step onto the lunar surface, she felt a chill, as if immersed in a cold bath, in addition, a strange sensory perception of a lack of oxygen, just like Armstrong would feel without his spacesuit on surface of the moon.”

    *Excerpt from LocoBlancoBooks, available July 20th…
    For sale everywhere reality is peddled.

  2. Take heart everyone.

    Like McStain, Ted’s getting anal raped by a red hot pitchfork as hell’s maggots continue to chomp away at his cancer brain right now.

  3. Too bad no one in the “news” will ever ask ABC “What do you know today that you didn’t know 50 years ago, other than the fact that Tedward’s been in the ground now for almost 10 years and is still drying out?)

  4. “Little Known”—-by those who were not paying attention!
    It’s time to release all the records from that crime and explain why the were sealed in the first place.

  5. Howie Carr has written two books about the Kennedys. Kennedy Babylon 1 & 2.
    Here in New England we got more of the story thanks in large part to Howie.
    When Teddy would do anything one of Howie’s favorite sayings has been, “Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment.”

  6. I was 22 years old when this happened. Mary Jo was from the town in Pennsylvanian where my father’s family lived. There was talk back then that the family had been paid to not pursue the matter of their daughter’s death.

    The Kennedy family, at least on the men’s side, was and is a collection of despicable wretches. I will never understand the hero worship they are given, but then they are democrats so….


    Ted’s wife attributed her miscarriage to the stress caused by the incident.

    Classy guy! Hangin’ out with unmarried interns while his pregnant wife was home with the kids!

  8. The classic obstruction to the quest for the truth…

    “That won’t bring your [ fill in blank ] back.”

    DAUGHTER – Mary Jo
    FATHER – Vince
    HUSBAND – Antonin
    SON – Seth
    BROTHER – John

    I’ll stop now and step away from the keyboard out of respect for the civility of this site.

  9. They called him the “Lion” of the senate. Sure, like the cowardly lion in “The Wizard of Oz”.

    The Kennedys are the way they are partly because of their father, a bootlegger and seducer of young women.

  10. Here’s how I heard Chappaquiddick really happened:
    -Ted Kennedy decides to throw a party on Marthas Vineyard, sort of a wake, for some of the staffers from his assassinated brother Robert Kennedy’s campaign
    -Ted, being a binge-drinking whoremaster like the rest of the men in his corrupt rumrunning crime family, gets roaring drunk.
    -he grabs one of the women to take her back to his motel room and fuck her.
    -***in the meantime, Mary Jo Kopechne had drunk too much and so one of the party-goers there had walked her outside and put her in the backseat of one of the cars that would be driven back to the motel later that night, so that Mary Jo would get back to the motel***
    -Stumbling-drunk Ted grabbed any ol’ set of car-keys and he & his “date” hopped into the car that had Mary Jo in the backseat.
    -Ted and his Date-du-Jour were so shitblind drunk they hadn’t checked the backseat and had no idea Mary Jo was back there.
    -Sloppy-drunk Ted drives the car off the bridge, into Chappaquiddick Sound. The cold ocean water knocks some sense into Ted & Date-du-Jour and they struggled their way out of the car.
    -Sloppy Ted & Date-du-Jour stumble back to the party and burst in the door, laughing that they had a mishap. Their clothes are partially put back on and there’s sand on them, indicating they’d had some Sand Dune Sex on the way back to the party.
    -the girl who’d put Mary Jo in the car asked Tequila Ted which car he’d taken. When Tippling Ted told her, she said OMG, that’s the car Mary Jo was in! (record-player screeching sound)
    -dead silence came over the group and that’s when the real cover-up began.

    Ted Kennedy and his entire family of drunken, raping piece of shit assholes are despicable.

  11. Massholes repeatedly sent Ted Kennedy back to the senate after he allowed Mary Jo Koepeche to suffocate in his car while he walked past a fire station.

    The diver who retrieved her body said that she had some buoyancy (from air in the lungs, not water as in drowning).

    The autopsy was a real rush job, in aid of the cover-up.

    The (D)irtbags really do get the govt they deserve, it’s just too bad about normals in the area. There are more normals in (D)irtbag dominated areas than we realize, because of the criminal vote counting.

  12. The water was 6 feet deep. 6 feet! Pulling her out of there is a walk in the park. Even for a drunk. Turns out he had time to act as well since she had a pocket of air. Except her knight in shining armor was Ted Kennedy, the one that put her there. And Ted Kennedy needs a cup of coffee and he’s gotta make some phone calls.


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