Just minding his own business… then…. – IOTW Report

Just minding his own business… then….

It was a bull snake hiding out on a warm lamp.  They aren’t venomous.

The man was put on antibiotics.

The snake was killed with a hammer.

23 Comments on Just minding his own business… then….

  1. At almost 16, I and two cousins were camping on a 100 acre lease one late Spring week. (With guns. Unsupervised, libtards! Yes Yoots with guns and all parents’ blessings.)

    One cousin, Tim, had a falconer’s license, and had brought a hawk he was training, so we went hunting for birds and small game every day to feed it. Rather gruesome the way Tim would rip or chop parts off and hold it high for the hawk to come get, but it sure was entertaining.

    We came across a bull snake one morning on one of our loops around the property. We didn’t know it wasn’t poisonous, or even that it was a bull snake until later.

    We cooked and ate what we didn’t use for the hawk.

    Tasted like chicken. Exactly like chicken.

    After eating a few other unusual animals over the years – I’m pretty sure it’s chicken that happens to taste like a lot of other animals.

    Now that I am the guy to call for so many people when a snake shows up, I get to show people how to tell if they are venomous, but also that I don’t blame them if they destroy them out of ignorance. Better safe than sorry. Like mushrooms are not in my area of experience or training so I leave them all alone.

  2. Bull snakes show up on our property every now and then. I try to run them off but if they get aggressive, I have Rabbi Mossberg give them a little talk.

  3. Last winter I found a black racer curled up under the BBQ cover. I saw it, blinked, and it was gone. Poof! Good reflexes.

    A couple of days ago, I let our dog out the back door. It immediately stepped on a king snake lurking there. Normally, I’d let it go, but my wife won’t abide a snake near the house, so I shot it with a pellet gun. Come get me PETA.

  4. When I was a yoot, playing in the woods in Michigan, I came across a cobra. Well, it pretended to be a cobra – a puff adder (aka Eastern Hognose). Since I surprised it by jumping over a fallen log, it raised up, flattened it’s head and hissed. I watched it with fascination and after five or ten seconds, it fell down, turned over on it’s back and played dead. I picked it up to take home and show Mom, but, hoowee, did it stink! Showed it to my brother, who was with me, but left it there to carry on.

    As a camp counselor in college, I used to catch water snakes and show the kids. My parents were visiting one day and I showed them, but Dad wouldn’t touch it. Mom did. I thought that was funny!

  5. In the Soviet State of Western Washington, we only have harmless Garter snakes (for the ladies, I guess).

    But man, do we ever have killer Earwigs! They crawl in your ear at night and try to kill you. Then they die from the heat in there. Then your girlfriend says “You’ve got something in your ear! Ewwwww!” And you say, “Hey, they like me, what can I say? They’re attracted to my body heat.” And she’s like “Ah come here, Mr. Hotty.”

    And then you wake up.


  6. @ Nowut Ameen :

    I don’t know about your state, but in mine killing a non-poisonous snake is illegal. Snakes eat vermin like rats and mice. My grandfather used to keep a king snake in his barn, and would tell us kids to leave him alone.

  7. That’s pretty much how a lot of the people being allowed into the country (and many native born lay abouts) behave. Give them shelter and a warm place to stay and they bite you.

    Yeah, muzzies, you’re correct, I’m mostly thinking of you, because you provide the most evidence proving the truth of the observation.

  8. Due to the feelings of the snake and all snakes in general, there should be mandated background checks on all hammer purchases to ensure that no hammers are used to terrify or harm any snakes in the future. Just saying – it is definitely the hammer’s fault not the person that got bit by the snake.


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