Trump – “Alfred E. Neuman cannot become president of the United States” – IOTW Report

Trump – “Alfred E. Neuman cannot become president of the United States”

God, I love Trump.

I say we can’t elect a guy who doesn’t know who Alfred E. Neuman IS.


Buttigieg responded to the president, admitting that he had to Google the fictional character to figure out what the president was talking about.

“I’ll be honest, I had to Google that, I guess it’s a generational thing, I didn’t get the reference,” he told reporters on Friday night.

Mad Magazine responded to Buttigieg on Twitter.



27 Comments on Trump – “Alfred E. Neuman cannot become president of the United States”

  1. “I say we can’t elect a guy who doesn’t know who Alfred E. Neuman IS.” -BFH


  2. When somebody starts with “I’ll be honest” then you can be pretty sure that honest isn’t its normal state.

    Same as when you hear “this is REALLY the truth!” – you know that everything preceding and succeeding is BULLSHIT.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Yes, THIS. This is just one of many reasons I’m SO happy to be living during this magical time. No kidding! I wish my WW2 Dad would still be alive to see it. My Navy vet Dad would have loved our beloved President Trump too!

  4. @Tim – In the Navy, all sea stories started with “this is a no shitter”.
    Guaranteed BS. LOL.

    BTW, I’d vote for A.E.N. over all 20+ socialist candidates.

  5. You know this is an effective label because the Left (including SE Cupp) are acting like it’s a terrible label. They’re not nearly as sneaky as they think they are. They claim it “dates” Trump. Really? Nobody under the age of seventy knows who Alfred E Neuman is? These people aren’t even trying anymore.

  6. Mr. Butt for leader of the free world – because he’s gay?

    Alfred E. Neuman for leader of the free world, because he probably knows more useful information than Mr. Butt.

  7. JDHasty
    MAY 11, 2019 AT 2:00 PM
    “I’m not tired of all the winning yet

    Trump is going through the Democrat Primary candidates like shit through a goose. “

    And use their guts to grease the tracks of his tank?


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