12 year-old girl arrested for DUI – IOTW Report

12 year-old girl arrested for DUI

6 Comments on 12 year-old girl arrested for DUI

  1. Girls that age can be the worse terrors on earth. The only one who stands a chance of getting through to her is the mother, they can easily make a male role model homicidal.

  2. “….where they got that alcohol from.” For the love of pete!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Maybe they (NM) should pass a law making it illegal for 12 y/o girls to drink alcohol while (and prior to) driving?

    We just need more laws!

    “The Police acted stupidly” by arresting this girl instead of finding her a counselor and friend – maybe a therapist – or a Joey Biden to give her a hug. This is a law-enforcement issue, not a moral issue.

    If NM legalized drinking and driving this kind of thing would cease.

    izlamo delenda est …


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