Dem Jim Clyburn on impeachment proceedings: ‘We haven’t gotten there yet’ – IOTW Report

Dem Jim Clyburn on impeachment proceedings: ‘We haven’t gotten there yet’

WaEx: House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., said Democrats should keep plugging along conducting oversight on President Trump and hold off on opening an impeachment inquiry.

“The vast majority would, in fact, support impeachment, just not now,” Clyburn said during an interview with CNN’s John Berman Wednesday morning. “The issue now is whether or not that is something that should be done today or tomorrow, or whether or not we go through a process by which we build a foundation upon which to successfully impeach the president.”

“So that’s where we are. We are all looking forward to the day when that might be ripened,” Clyburn said. “We have not gotten there yet. That is the difference between the majority of the caucus right now and the very strong minority who would like to see us move forward with impeachment right away.”  more here

16 Comments on Dem Jim Clyburn on impeachment proceedings: ‘We haven’t gotten there yet’

  1. This is what we expected. As they have less and less to work with they will ramp up the rhetoric. They really have only two options: capitulation, and going for broke. Of course some are capitulating but they aren’t the loud ones, the vocal few are going for broke.
    And it will destroy them.

  2. “The issue now is whether or not that is something that should be done today or tomorrow, or whether or not we go through a process by which we build a foundation upon which to successfully impeach the president.”

    Parse this with a sober and logical mind if you can.

  3. No bullshit, Mr frapples. The time has come, the walrus said…

    One pill makes you larger, and one pill…

    “I think the auspices of the colonic orifice have batten down on the oars of ineptitutde. Malfecals, if you wood. I say, I say, we habbent been gotten there yets! With colonic orifices IN OUR FACES! IN THE WIND AND DEH AIR WE BEES COLONIC!”

  4. “We are all looking forward to the day when that might be ripened,”

    It’s way past ripe, Jim. One of your very strong minority members can help you compost it.

    So glad it’s you Dems in control and doing jack shit instead of the GOP. Say, here’s your slogan for 2020:

    “We didn’t tackle well this term but we made up for it by not blocking.”

    (Sorry, Bum Phillips…I think.)


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