Joe Biden “Off Shores” His Corruption – IOTW Report

Joe Biden “Off Shores” His Corruption

Off shoring his corruption means he hides his crimes by utilizing his family as his front.

He doesn’t directly benefit from his policy decisions, but his family does.

6 Comments on Joe Biden “Off Shores” His Corruption

  1. Sad to say that I think Joe is about to pull a ‘Clinton’ in which there are so many awful, hate-inspiring things about him that it all kind of starts to get ignored because it is such a deluge. The Clintons actively tried to flood the public and media with so many scandals (involving their name) that they knew it would have a kind of ‘boy who cried wolf’ effect on public consciousness. Joe is actually in the lead just weeks after our nation witnessed countless instances in which he fondled young girls. Just boggles my mind. We really are a controlled, manipulated, entranced nation.

  2. John James R, this is something that Fur had talked about long ago as it related to what the left did to us during Obama. I liked it to a windmill, every time the blade came around, it hit us in the head with another ‘scandal’, asinine statement to cause anger and frustration, or an unconstitutional executive order.

    I think the multi-blade windmill is spinning so fast now, it just might take flight.

  3. If my children were filthy rich I expect it would be to my benefit.

    If I could MAKE my children filthy rich I expect it would be greatly to my benefit.

    I’m guessing most reasonable people understand these things.


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