Dice: Clickbait BottomFeeder Buzzfeed Tries Unsuccessfully To Smear Tony Robbins – IOTW Report

Dice: Clickbait BottomFeeder Buzzfeed Tries Unsuccessfully To Smear Tony Robbins

3 Comments on Dice: Clickbait BottomFeeder Buzzfeed Tries Unsuccessfully To Smear Tony Robbins

  1. Leftist character assassins smearing those targeted under the guise of exposing abuse. They don’t realize that it’s them themselves who are guilty.

  2. “how to love others the right way”. Maybe Mayor Pete But-I-Judge should attend a Tony Robbins seminar?

  3. And leftists make fun of Mike Pence for never being alone with a woman other than his wife.

    Maybe Buzz Feed should do hit pieces on Nadler and Schiff. That might give those two credibility that they don’t have now.


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