Canadian Economy Halts – GDP Growth Drops to 0.1 Percent, and No-One Is Talking About Why… – IOTW Report

Canadian Economy Halts – GDP Growth Drops to 0.1 Percent, and No-One Is Talking About Why…

The Conservative Treehouse-

The Canadian government shocked the professional financial and economic media with their latest fourth quarter GDP release showing the economy has essentially come to a grinding halt at 0.1% growth.  [Compare to U.S. GDP growth of 3%]

The Canadian Q4 GDP growth isn’t one percent, it’s one-tenth of one percent: 0.1%, essentially halted; but everyone discussing this is missing something very important.

… you’ve got to ask yourself how can Canada be slowing down at the exact same time the USA economy is skyrocketing?…. There’s a connection.



10 Comments on Canadian Economy Halts – GDP Growth Drops to 0.1 Percent, and No-One Is Talking About Why…

  1. Not surprising since Trudeau is the Canadian Obama. I also won’t be surprised that whomever takes over for him, if that person succeeds in turning the economy around Trudeau will take full credit for it, just like Obummer trying to take credit for Trump’s work.

  2. I mentioned on an earlier post that this is exactly what Trump was targeting on the trade deals. Canada knew that allowing China to funnel products through them was easy money for them and it suited Trudeau just fine that we were hurt by it. Once Trump finally dragged them kicking and screaming to close the loophole they had to depend on solid trade policy which they were lacking. Same with Mexico.
    Looks like Justin will have to request additional counsel from his mentor and financial guru Barfy Obama.

  3. Grab your toque. You never know when an ice storm might hit… this is Canada. Don’t be such a keener! Just grab a mickey and go ahead and eat your elephants ears on the chesterfield, they are a beauty. BTW, can you grab me a serviette? I spilt all of my Molson during that kerfuffle. True. That’s jokes!

  4. Notice to all the countries who have been advised by Deep State Globalist subversives to “wait out Trump”: Do not listen to the bad-mouthers who always run home to the USA after telling you to wreck your economy. These people care nothing about you, only about their personal grifts which are imperiled by Trump.

  5. I’d want to look at the numbers over time to see whether Trudeau opened up China to the loophole on what actually is a manufactured vs assembled item that then got preferential access to the US markets but I suspect the author was right in that it was him. Trudeau will be gone in November and with some luck (perhaps this economic report will be the final straw) so will most of the Liberal Party and a Conservative will take over as Prime Minister.

    As hinted at in the article the new PM will have to work out how to destroy the Green Party but also the Bloc Quebecois (Quebec separatist but not really Party) and reform the laws in the country that allow environmentalists and their lawyers and support groups (usually natives and Greens being paid off by US businessmen trying to use lawsuits to protect their industries such as forestry or curtail Canadian Energy Industries in favor of US green power boondoggles) to stall pipelines or energy expansion projects.

    Canada has all the natural resources, educated workforce (too bad too many have been brainwashed left as well but that can change almost overnight when a good job is involved) and most of the infrastructure it needs to stand some manufacturing back up but it will take time.

    One thing to remember though is that while advantage was likely taken by Canada vis a vis these loopholes most of the “easy cash” likely ended up back in the States in either direct purchase of consumer goods or through overseas countries from US owned or controlled companies. One of the questions that needs to be asked is whether the US can replace the items that used to be assembled in Canada or whether the plan is to attract these foreign companies to set up an assembly shop in the US. If it’s the former then can the US do it at the same cost, if the latter then profits will still flow out of the country and the manufacturing control disappears anyway.

    I’m actually kind of glad in a way. This may finally force the younger generations in my country to understand that core manufacturing is the best way for a country to survive and prosper.

    One last thought. Free trade is usually negotiated between countries with similar per capita incomes, social programs (when fully costed out) and political freedoms. Considering that, Mexico was screwing the States way worse then Canada was (and screwing us as well I might add). I could never understand why Mexico was included in the first place.


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