Joe Biden Was Present at Russia Collusion Briefing Documented in ‘Odd’ Susan Rice Email – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Was Present at Russia Collusion Briefing Documented in ‘Odd’ Susan Rice Email

Breitbart: NEW YORK — Vice President Joe Biden was documented as being present in the Oval Office for a conversation about the controversial Russia probe between President Obama, disgraced ex-FBI chief James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and other senior officials including Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice.

In an action characterized as “odd” last year by then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Rice memorialized the confab in an email to herself describing Obama as starting “the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book.’”

Grassley, in a letter to Rice, commented: “It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation.”

Grassley noted the unusual timing of the email sent by Rice to herself more than two weeks after the January 5, 2017 White House meeting on the Russia investigation, but mere hours before she vacated the White House for the incoming Trump administration.

The email, Grassley documented, was sent by Rice to herself on Trump’s inauguration day of January 20, 2017.

“If the timestamp is correct, you sent this email to yourself at 12:15 pm, presumably a very short time before you departed the White House for the last time,” Grassley wrote to Rice in a letter seeking clarification on a number of issues regarding the email and the Oval Office briefing at which Biden was documented as being present.

Also in the email, Rice used the “by the book” phraseology a second time, writing (emphasis added): read more

11 Comments on Joe Biden Was Present at Russia Collusion Briefing Documented in ‘Odd’ Susan Rice Email

  1. next, they’ll be selling grandpa joe as the best person to fix the whole mess.
    just as kamala harris said that pro-life advocates ‘don’t care about babies,’ they’ll contort grump’s participation into being an asset. With emphasis on ass.

    somewhat OT, but somewhat related:
    ““Crossfire Hurricane” — the melodramatic code name for the FBI/CIA spy operation on candidate Trump and his early presidency — was run for the FBI by then-FBI Director James Comey, his deputy Andrew McCabe, Special Agent Peter Strzok, and a few others.
    Then-CIA director John Brennan ran it for the CIA. Brennan had to have help, but who was it? A lot of evidence points to the CIA’s then-chief of station in London in 2016-2017, and now the Director of Central Intelligence, Gina Haspel.”

  2. Nah, Joe ate rice, ground on a table corner and sniffed his fingers.
    You give him too much credit,,
    Was heard talking to himself “In my mind”, dreaming of his first State of the Union,,,
    ‘The more you think of yourself’ CBS cares.

  3. Can’t wait until Trump THROWS THE BOOK at the lot of them. Hand ’em ALL a ballpeen hammer & 20 boulders EACH there at Leavenworth. When reduced to pea gravel, they’re free to go. 😡


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