Speaking of Buffoon Ads…. – IOTW Report

Speaking of Buffoon Ads….

I was reading about an Italian motorcycle company that just created an ad for one of its new bikes and it’s simply a naked woman on top of the product posing and gyrating. (Pretty spicy. NSFW.)

The Pluralist reports:

Feminists have accused MV Agusta of misogyny.

Several feminist redditors concurred with the original poster, slamming MV Agusta’s purportedly misogynistic advertising tactics.

“When I studied Advertising in college, we were told of ‘buffoon advertising’ which is a practice targeting men by showing them a sexy woman. It’s a sexist tactic as it assumes men turn to horny idiots and only care about hot woman so they’ll buy whatever she’s selling. I thought we were past this,” wrote one user.


Speaking of buffoon advertising, how is it not a “sexist” tactic to slap some tale of queer oppression in a weepy 30 second spot only to have the product be furniture polish?

It’s exploitive and assumes gays will turn into devoted consumers because an ad agency pandered to them, the quality of the product be damned.

How are these ads less exploitive to gays than the motorcycle ad exploits heterosexuals?

“But, but, but, the hetero ad exploits a woman by highlighting her body!”

Salad Dressing Ad –> Gayer than a picnic basket.

The gay ads are every bit as pandering, exploitive, transparent and have as much to do with the product than an ad with a model with big tits standing next to motor oil.

(By the way, where’s the gay ad where the kid (they are usually kids, aren’t they?) who’s swooned over is some shlumpy, dumpy kid with acne? I’m sure in the gay world the stars of these commercials are the equivalent of big tits.)

Gay ads, at their core, are sex ads. No matter how clothed or “innocent” the ad, once it announces that it’s gay it’s about sexuality. It demands you think about


Gay people insist their gayness is more than just their sexuality. We ask “how so?” and never get an answer that makes any sense. In fact, there are very, very important subsets of their sexual identification and their attractions and you better acknowledge that in the pronoun you address them by! (See, for example,  Novigender– A gender that is super complex and impossible to describe in a single term. Eye roll.)

Once a coke ad makes it clear that it’s gay, about gayness, and will be pandering to gays, it’s really only about

I’ll take more of the motorcycle ad. I’m a buffoon, thank you.

39 Comments on Speaking of Buffoon Ads….

  1. Ewwwwwww!

    I’d like … y’know … ummm … just kind of slide off the seat …
    leavin … uhh … like … uhh … y’know … snail trails?

    Doesn’t happen with younger girls … or boys …

  2. …I kind of like THIS ad from back in the day, both because of the ladies and because it’s very true about certain aspects about what got young men’s attention in the pre-cell phone days, but you couldn’t use this ad NOW even though the company still exists, and young men still like looking at young women…


    (yes, the video quality is horrid, but 1984, whatareyagonnado?)

  3. If she rides like that and wipes out, boy, howdy, the road rash is going to be epic.

    (sorry, I’m a girl. I only think of the practical).

    Personally, if a company wants to sell products using hot women, who cares? At least they know their demographic and target market. Gillette, on the other hand, using tranny boys and fat chicks clearly does not. And isn’t the point of advertising to get people to want to buy your product?

  4. Dianny – I had the same thought too and I’m a guy. I’ve been thru a couple of wipe-outs and was glad I was wearing leather and I walked away from the one that cracked my helmet on a curb.

  5. …tell me…

    …why does a certain type of person argue that homosexuals are that way because God made them that way and it’s not possible to change it…but the SAME type of person ALSO argues that, the sex that the same God DEFINITELY assigned you at birth CAN and SHOULD be changeable at will?

    …just wonderin’….

  6. The current fad of inserting homosexuals and lesbians into commercials makes no sense from a marketing perspective. Gays make up such a small percentage of the population, that targeting them directly is simply not cost effective. Besides I don’t think most, or any of the LGTPDQ crowd are offended by seeing a commercial depicting heterosexual (normal) people. Even the Italian motorcycle ad will actually appeal to lesbians as well as normal men. What is actually happening goes beyond even virtue signaling. It is an evil attempt to normalize the perverted. And steal the souls of our children.

  7. …Dianny and TRF, of all the motorcycle accidents I ever picked up patients from, no amount of road rash would matter to a true Harley owner whether it was male or female; the only concern either sex ever had regardless of how damaged THEY were (among the conscious and living, that is) was “Is my BIKE OK”?

    …Honestly, I think they would have been FAR happier if I loaded the MOTORCYCLE in the ambulance and left THEM on the side of the road…

  8. I’d rather see a sexy ad aimed at men than the ones who make men look like blundering, drooling, doddering fools who need the help of a woman/wife/mom/daughter to even get out the door in the mornings.

  9. Yeah, you guys are being pretty self centered thinking / assuming the MV Agusta advert is aimed at guys.
    Maybe they’re highlighting the high frequency vibrations from a high rpm revving engine. They are advertising the Brutale 800 as the premium mid sized naked motorcycle

  10. The hell happened to this post? It started off with some Dago chick doin’ the nasty with a pasta rocket and then WHAM!!!!!

    Wall to wall Pete Buttigieg ads.

    My chubby feels betrayed.

  11. verified trivia

    The MWC seasons on dvd did NOT include the original theme music nor some scene music. Bad to the Bone.
    The Wonder Years sets were the same way.

    How Historical Records get altered states.

  12. Youtube has some odd rules. I could view the MV Agusta video, no problem.
    To watch the Felggaard Siemens washing machine video, I had to sign in, to verify my age and stuff. Both seemed to reveal about the same amount of nudity. Just different parts of it.

    Not gonna watch the queer video. Oh, and in addition to pushing gay ads, I’ve noticed a lot of ads pushing interracial relationships in recent months. Not annoyed by them, as by the gay ads, but it’s just something I’ve noticed.

  13. Some might want to consider that they’re not pandering to the fag demographic. By doing the queer, mixed race and showing strong saving female they’re pandering to the libtard demographic.

    Conservatives and Orange man BAD. Our product GOOD. Just look at who uses our products…


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