Nutcases Brand Humans to Illustrate the Cruelty of Branding Animals – IOTW Report

Nutcases Brand Humans to Illustrate the Cruelty of Branding Animals

My favorite response–

21 Comments on Nutcases Brand Humans to Illustrate the Cruelty of Branding Animals

  1. Reminds me of the Bill Murry/Steve Martin bit about the sadist dentist.

    IF I were to be branded I would go for a Tiger on one forearm and a Dragon on the other so when I start my 2nd career of wandering the earth to get in adventures and help those in need I’d have some wicked brands to show off.

  2. Branded!
    Marked with a coward’s shame.
    What do you do when you’re branded,
    Will you fight for your name?
    Scarred like the Beef from Japan
    What do you do when you’re branded,
    And you know you’re a girly man?

  3. What is even more stupid is that very few ranchers brand their cattle with hot irons anymore. Instead they use tags in their ear and chips, like what people put in their pets. These are much easier to track and some of the ear tags even have GPS locators in the even the cattle are stolen.

    These people are beyond stupid.

  4. @Pelopidas June 12, 2019 at 12:42 pm

    > I would go for a Tiger on one forearm and a Dragon on the other so when I start my 2nd career of wandering the earth to get in adventures and help those in need

    In the current century!? Barefoot in poop needles is no way to wander through life, grassweedhopper.

  5. @Chuck Connors –
    Sittin’ on a toilet bowl.
    What do you do when you’re stranded, and you can’t reach the roll…
    You prove you’re a man and you use your hand… AaaaEwwwwww!

  6. Aren’t they getting their branding on the wrong anatomy? Shouldn’t it be a bit lower, on the bit they sit on?

    I am not yet convinced to believe their message. They need to do another million or so before I reconsider my opinion. I’ll wait.

    I usually tell people with kanji tattoos they were lied to about the meaning of the kanji. That it actually means something obscene and humiliating – without another adjoining kanji that changes the meaning. Or that the tattooist wrote it wrong, he missed a couple of strokes and the kanji written means for them to go do a certain sex act to themselves. Then write out a few kanji to prove I know my stuff.

  7. What Richard P said and even before chips and GPS tags, tattoos was the favored method of marking cattle, still is for horses, goats and sheep and still many ranchers tattoo their cattle. Hot iron branding is a lot more work and more time consuming.

    I think they should protest banding and if they can’t figure out how to work a banding tool I’ll help them out.


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