WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will leave office by the end of the month, Trump announces – IOTW Report

WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will leave office by the end of the month, Trump announces


President Trump announced Thursday on Twitter that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will be leaving her position at the end of the month.

“After 3 1/2 years, our wonderful Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the White House at the end of the month and going home to the Great State of Arkansas,” Trump said. “She is a very special person with extraordinary talents, who has done an incredible job! I hope she decides to run for Governor of Arkansas – she would be fantastic. Sarah, thank you for a job well done!”

40 Comments on WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will leave office by the end of the month, Trump announces

  1. Gonna miss her. i think James Woods should apply. Or Candace Owens. Someone mentioned Ted Nugent. They’d have to bleep most of his comments though.

    Crowder and Dice have been demonitized, maybe they’re interested.

  2. Hopefully she will be back to work on his campaign team where she will make some big bucks.
    She put up with some real a holes for the last few years. If P.Trump can, he will reward her biggly.
    She has been a true delight to listen to.

  3. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a Great Woman, Wife, Mother and Great American Patriot.

    Thank You, Sarah, for your hard work and service to our Country and Us.

    Also, any chance of one or two more of those Chocolate Pies?

  4. Sarah was outstanding!!
    Diplomatic, but, tough, firm and unflappable.
    Exactly what’s needed to deal with this Bought & Paid For, Complicit Knee-Pad Media who is out on a mission to damage and destroy this administration whenever and wherever possible!They broke the mold when they made her…. probably cuz they knew she’d kick some ass if they ever tried to duplicate her!

  5. Callers into WMAL suggested replacements.

    Chris Plante.
    Diamond and Silk
    Candace Owens

    Others I cannot remember. Funny stuff.
    Chris Plante is great at disrespecting liberals. He’d be fantastic.

  6. I hope Trump puts someone in there whose even tougher than Sanders.

    I’d go for the Golden Grotto Shark. “The most savage, Mr Bond! The most vicious!”

  7. Ex-Gov. Huckabee and Mrs. Huckabee did a great job in raising Sarah.
    She put up with some of the most vicious insults to her personally, and yet she was able to handle the dolts in the press room with a firm hand and dignity.
    U go grl!!

  8. C. WalksonWater has it right. James Woods has been off of Twitter for awhile now,what if he has been in contact with the White House and needs a job?
    He has an IQ of 156 or 186 he would tear up the fake news daily.
    He has been around the press all his life he knows how to use them and abuse them.
    It would be a great choice.
    The press would crap their pants.

  9. How about NO REPLACEMENT as the press conferences were a total waste of time anyway.

    The Trumpeter could occasionally hold court and put them in their place and otherwise ignore their FAKE NEWS protestations.

  10. Thank you, Mrs. Sanders. Your performance was literally awesome, and I do believe I’m using both “literally” and “awesome” correctly.

    I’d like to add Kurt Schlichter to the list of possible successors. Oh, yeah, and Paul Joseph Watson.

  11. Bill Whittle.

    @ Uncle Al – very good

    @ MrHanoverfist – how about Christopher Walken (character) or Clint Eastwood

    But DJT POTUS hates woman right??

    Eye roll…

  12. By far the best in 70 years. “head + shoulders” above the next group. And in another universe compared to many!
    Unlike Ari who repeatedly begged for mercy; she never yielded. As a very bull headed guy myself I admire courage! i also understand how exhausting it is.

    I still want to see a lot more of her. After she licks he wounds; and rekindles the fire in her belly.
    As my grandad would have said”Smart as a whip!”! I never saw he put her tail between he legs and run; as i did Ari many times!

  13. She was brilliant.

    But why replace her? Why not just minimize the position and issue written statements? The press conferences are such b.s. anyway: the media harasses GOP press secretaries, and shills for the democrat press secretary, if there is one.

    The media doesn’t deserve a special place anywhere.

  14. Replace her with Candace Owens and watch the media have kittens.

    What would they do If someone thought they were being racist when they gave her shit like they gave Sarah.

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