Mark Dice- Ridiculously Woke Advertising – IOTW Report

Mark Dice- Ridiculously Woke Advertising

6 Comments on Mark Dice- Ridiculously Woke Advertising

  1. If a Martian were to watch commercials, they would think that a majority of relationships on earth are either between two people of the same gender or, if they are of different genders, they are of different races.

  2. So male to male sodomy and female fisting are now marketing strategies all wrapped up in a rainbow…the symbol that God gave us to remember the flood. The bible in the days of Noah…Christ will come again. Even so, come quickly Lord.

  3. …The gay pride Listerine bottle may be more appropriate than most, given the amount and variety of disease carrying things that the average homosexual puts in their mouth. When you consider the resistance of the diseases that these folks have collected and incubated orally, however, I suspect that even Listerine is not up to the challenge…

  4. RadioMattM JUNE 18, 2019 AT 1:08 PM
    “If a Martian were to watch commercials, they would think that a majority of relationships on earth are either between two people of the same gender or, if they are of different genders, they are of different races.”

    …If they watch the Gillette commercial, they may then conclude that genetic women are an aberration that must be surgically dealt with at a young age so they can start shaving with their dad as early as possible…


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