State Dept Identifies Multiple Security Incidents with Hillary’s Emails – IOTW Report

State Dept Identifies Multiple Security Incidents with Hillary’s Emails


In a letter to Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, the State Department revealed that it has identified “multiple security incidents” involving current or former employees’ handling of Hillary Clinton’s emails, and that 23 “violations” and seven “infractions” have been issued as part of the department’s ongoing investigation.

“To this point, the Department has assessed culpability to 15 individuals, some of whom were culpable in multiple security incidents,” Mary Elizabeth Taylor, the State Department’s Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Legislative Affairs, wrote to Grassley. “DS has issued 23 violations and 7 infractions incidents. … This number will likely change as the review progresses.”


12 Comments on State Dept Identifies Multiple Security Incidents with Hillary’s Emails

  1. @gin blossom — If this is the same article I just read earlier tonight, exactly what you’d expect from a tangled-up federal bureaucracy that writes its own rules to protect everyone from prosecution. They’re all getting a “review” and a sternly worded memo placed in their personnel file.

  2. By law

    Every single ” incident ” is a CRIME

    By law

    Every erasure of such e-mails is
    destruction of evidence
    and therefor a CRIME

    And plenty of those e-mails were with
    Russian intelligence operatives

    Mr Mueller conducted a very exhaustive
    investigation yet he in NO WAY investigated
    Hillary Clinton’s obvious CRIMINALITY.

    WHY !!!!

  3. I’m definitely going to advise my children to apply for government jobs after college. Oh, what a mistake I made! The fricken’ pensions, time off, and early retirement are enough to make it completely worth it.

  4. Is there an app I can get for my phone that alerts me when an actual SWAMP RAT goes to prison for a year or more???? Asking for a couple 1000 of my friends. Looks like We’ll be asleep or more likely DEAD!!!

  5. I have to say that it is getting a little disturbing that there have been no arrests yet for anything. Sessions seems to have been a dud or a plant put there by DeepState but Barr seems to be on the ball. I can only hope that Barr is actively and speedily investigating and has several secret Grand Juries going and punishment will soon be meted out.


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