How Trade Cheaters, Like China, Prosper – IOTW Report

How Trade Cheaters, Like China, Prosper

Using the rare earth international market, Kyle Sammin demonstrates how China behaves like a monopoly and gets away with it. Many of the China’s unfair trade practices go back to the beginning of this century, when the communist nation was allowed into the WTO.

China has gotten away with destroying the prospects of its target while breaking the rules to suit itself. More

2 Comments on How Trade Cheaters, Like China, Prosper

  1. My understanding of “rare earths” is that the US and Canada have it but it is harder to get at and both countries have environmental laws that prohibit the sort of strip mining and processing needed (without it becoming a prohibitive cost) to get it out of the ground and into the manufacturing stream. If it’s judged as strategic in nature maybe it’s time for both countries (once Trudeau the Younger is thrown out that is) to become more flexible (but not downright crazy) about mining our own and telling the Chinese to pound sand. Besides it would add a bunch of jobs and keep money inside both countries.


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