President Donald J. Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to set foot in North Korea – IOTW Report

President Donald J. Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to set foot in North Korea

President Donald J. Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to set foot in North Korea, as he met Kim Jong Un at the demilitarized zone that has separated the two Koreas for more than 65 years. Video, and more, at DB DAILY UPDATE.

17 Comments on President Donald J. Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to set foot in North Korea

  1. Trump is definitely unconventional, to say the least. Even if this gambit doesn’t work, he’s definitely redefining foreign policy.

    God bless him. Better that than lead (or worse) flying.
    As he said to our black community, everything the democrats have done was a complete failure. What do you have to lose by voting for me?

  2. Badaboom…President Trump is fearless and a true leader, yet with class and acumen. No missteps…showing the world what the true America is…none of which any of those lefty losers who held “debates” last week could ever achieve let alone comprehend the “how”.

  3. The leftist pricks in and out of the media wanted a bridge builder correct??

    Well, they sure do dam have one now. They are just too stupid and full of hate to understand it.

    History unfolding before our very eyes.

    Done like a Donny Boss.


  4. He wrote the book on dealing. Tom Barrack, one of his closest and longest friends, characterized their first meeting — negotiating a real estate deal — this way: “He played me like a Steinway piano.”

    But here’s the thing: Although POTUS Trump *could* use his talents to “play” people, I don’t think he really thinks that’s a winning strategy. A good deal isn’t good if any party to it realizes they were duped. When I negotiated big contracts, my boss and mentor once said, “It’s not what is *fair*, it’s what the parties agree to.” In other words you first figure out what is most important to everyone and give it to them if you can. And you take what is important to you. It’s not about tricking anyone or playing it too close to the vest. The most disarming strategy is to place your cards face up and go from there. That’s a good and lasting deal. That’s how you really solve problems and POTUS Trump is a true master at it.

    I love Barrack’s speech at the RNC convention in ’16:

  5. @CharlieWalksoWater: The last place I saw Bolton was him sitting across the table from Chm Xi a few days ago in Japan, alongside our president and his crew. He didn’t appear to be in SoKo (or at least at the meeting with Kim). He’s probably there, though, I imagine.

  6. @abbigbailadams… If he was there he would have personally thrown a wrench into the works just to get sparks to fly. Trump may be onto his hawklike attitude.

  7. As I commented on AT earlier: Eleven US Presidents (including ole Mr Illegitimate Jimmy Carter) have had the North Korea problem on their “bucket list” and not one of them (including Nobel prize winner Obama) were able to get any movement toward a resolution. And then they and the press criticize and second guess Trump because he does not accomplish the whole mess in two meetings. The man who knows nothing about diplomacy (supposedly) has accomplished more in barely two years in office than his predecessors did in almost 70 years. Will he succeed, maybe not, but he is making a significant attempt (and at some personal risk) to bring this mess to a successful conclusion.


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