Don’t Ever Call Me An “Elite” – IOTW Report

Don’t Ever Call Me An “Elite”

Kurt Schlichter in Town Hall

Our elite is made up of Kennedy kids, in-breed mediocrities of more accomplished sires, easing their pain with the dope of politically correct ideology and often overdosing.

That’s what all this PC nonsense is, an analgesic to dull the throbbing ache of their own manifest unworthiness. When they detect and call out alleged racism or sexism or transphobia or fatphobia or whatever, they become the heroes of their own story. They aren’t fighting off the Germanic hordes on the Rhine, or contending with Zulus at Roarke’s Drift. But, darn it, they are still brave warriors slaying those dragons. Except instead of swords, they wield whining. More

What does that say about our society when one of the worst insults you can hurdle at someone is to call them an “elite?” – Dr. Tar

11 Comments on Don’t Ever Call Me An “Elite”

  1. It’s gone on for decades, since the CommunistInfiltratedDemocrats claimed to be “for the working classes” and “against the powerful elites.”

    This is just a permutation – emphasis on mutation – of that.

    The “liberal elites” to which Schlichter refers is moreso a global cabal – comprised of all colors of the political spectrum.

  2. We have sadly drifted far down the river of no return when the likes of Bernie, Crazy Joe, Beto, Peter in the Butt, Stinky Beaver, Hillary, Obama, Tulsi, Comb for a spoon, Ditzy Gillebrand, Kameltoe, Spartacus, etc are considered to be our elites! They even make That old Cuckold dolt Charlie Windsor seem absolutely royal in comparison!

  3. Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of a few incredibly wise, insightful men 244+ years ago, we are doing just that.


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