Saudi Arabia weighs damage at key oil sites after apparent drone attacks claimed by Yemen rebels – IOTW Report

Saudi Arabia weighs damage at key oil sites after apparent drone attacks claimed by Yemen rebels


ISTANBUL — Explosions and towering fireballs struck the heart of Saudi Arabia’s oil empire on Saturday in an apparent wave of drone attacks claimed by Yemen’s Houthi rebels. The blows may have knocked out half of the kingdom’s oil output for days or more and threatened to drive up already high tensions between Iran and its foes in the Persian Gulf.

The predawn blasts on facilities of the state-run oil giant Aramco — which the rebel group claimed were carried out by a fleet of 10 drones — marked one of the most devastating strikes into Saudi territory claimed by the Iranian-allied Houthis in more than four years of war in Yemen.

It was also the most serious attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure in decades, which includes barrages of Scud missiles fired by Saddam Hussein’s forces during the 1991 Gulf War. A NASA satellite image showed what appeared to be a long streak of black smoke flowing to the southwest from Aramco site.


Good thing we’re no dependent on foreign oil. THANK YOU right-wing!

18 Comments on Saudi Arabia weighs damage at key oil sites after apparent drone attacks claimed by Yemen rebels

  1. Nothing is stopping the Saudis from attacking Iran as a response.

    Except for the usual gaggle of euro weenies who are still crawling on their hands and knees to Tehran to beg them for a number to bribe them on nukes that they’re going to violate anyway.

    Let ’em fly. Assassinate the Ayatollah and drag his goatfucking body through the streets. The rest of their terrorist theocracy too.

    Valerie Jarrett and Barack Hussein Obama hardest hit.

  2. Yemen, AKA Iran. Sell them weapons Trump, maybe they’ll accidentally hit some nuclear sites in Tehran

    I have to worry about hitting trees here with my drone. Maybe i should fly in the desert…

  3. Perhaps I’ve had too many Beers…I’m desperately trying to work

    in a “Yemen Noodles” Joke here…But “Romney Noodles” keep pushing those

    thoughts out …I’ll be pushing random People down the Stairs at

    iotwr HQ til I figure this out…

  4. Already drawing up maps that no longer have a country called Yemen depicted on them. It’s all Saudi Arabia until Muscat…..sorry Oman, love collecting your nations stamps….but better safe than sorry.


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