Sanders: ‘I Would Be Positively Disposed to’ Expanding Asylum to Include Climate Refugees – IOTW Report

Sanders: ‘I Would Be Positively Disposed to’ Expanding Asylum to Include Climate Refugees


During an MSNBC climate change forum on Thursday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) stated that he believes he “would be positively disposed to” expanding asylum categories to include people who are pushed out of their homes due to climate change.

Moderator Chris Hayes asked, “Would you favor expanding the asylum categories, which are enumerated, right, to include a category for people that are specifically climate — pushed out by climate?”

Sanders responded, “I think that is absolutely something that we have to look at, and I think I would be positively disposed to that. But it has to exist all over the world. … I mean, it’s not just people in Latin America who would gravitate to the United States. It is people all over the world. And it means that we have to deal with the crises in these countries right now so that people can possibly stay there, and we have to welcome people all over the world.” watch

15 Comments on Sanders: ‘I Would Be Positively Disposed to’ Expanding Asylum to Include Climate Refugees

  1. A question for the Left:

    How many “refugees” would be enough?

    10 million, a hundred million, 500 million?”

    Eventually we obviously have to say “no more”, so at what point do we say it?

  2. I suppose when all the citizens of the countries south of us are here we will then need to go there, (and start the process all over again when they screw this country up)!

  3. Yeah, me neither, Claudia. I was just going for ‘disgusting.’ Because the man is just that. WTF is wrong with Vermont? In my lifetime, they’ve gone from America’s leading bastion of Constitutional Republicanism to its biggest proponent of Socialism by electing that lazy, hippie bastard.

  4. “people who are pushed out of their homes due to climate change.” There are so few signs of climate change that they have to go up to the North Pole to find any. Of course there isn’t anyone up there to contradict their claims.

  5. So, we have two choices; either fix all the climate crises in all the countries on Earth or let everyone come here. And if it is a worldwide crisis, how would they be any better off coming here?

    Once a person adopts a lie as his religion there is no limit to the insanity he will embrace and promote.


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