Time To Put On Your Lederhosen – IOTW Report

Time To Put On Your Lederhosen

Today kicks off the official start of Oktoberfest in Munich and though the holiday is celebrated at different times across the country, Fodor lists the best places to get your beer and sausage, Here

And just to get everyone in the mood, here’s “Guns n’ Roses war nur ein Cover, hier kommt die ursprüngliche Originalversion von “Sweet Child o’ Mine”! 😉  Watch

14 Comments on Time To Put On Your Lederhosen

  1. The 10 best locations listed all look like fun, but if you wanted to get the Oktoberfest feeling in just one location a sure bet is the HOFBRAUHAUS in Las Vegas. This is a year round good time. Hey Loco, if you are still in Vegas let me know if you get there in the next couple weeks.

  2. Many years ago I was at our local Oktoberfest and my friend and I struck up a conversation with these two older gentlemen across the table from us. After some time my buddy began speaking with the one gentleman and asked his name. Ended up being my grandfather’s brother, my uncle. Had heard his name mentioned but had never met him as my grandpa wasn’t a tight family kind of guy. Kept in touch with him until his passing. Great memory!

  3. Oddly enough, we were in Dublin a couple of years ago in time for Oktoberfest. The Germans were there along with their many awesome sausages and beers. I wasn’t expecting that, but of course is drinking was involved – why not Ireland?

  4. Oddly enough, we were in Dublin a couple of years ago in time for Oktoberfest. The Germans were there along with their many awesome sausages and beers. I wasn’t expecting that, but of course, is drinking was involved – why not Ireland?

  5. @Anon, actually I remember reading articles where they have put the damper on the event in some regions. Plus the music festivals throughout their invaded territories that have had to shut down or alter their attendance requirements. There a fun bunch when they get together.

  6. 20-30 years ago, I would have said “blasphemy!” to the *corruption* of Bavarian “echte Volksmusik” and even “Schlagermusi” like this.

    NOW, I only thank God I
    1) met my wonderful “Gretl” wife (don’t *ask* until you meet the women who live in DC),
    2) had the chance to live there while it was still reasonably tolerable (it will always be indescribably gorgeous)
    3) but now live in the good ol’ USA.

    Until then…

  7. It’s Time Once Again For Oktoberfest?”
    And its timing is really a mess
    Always in September
    Is what you gotta remember
    Although it is called OCTOBERfest.

    It’s time once again for Oktoberfest
    That excuse to chug suds and keep abreast
    Of all things mammarian. So let’s squeeze some jugs
    As we give lots of hugs,
    And chicken-dance with those of ample chest.


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