Dems Scared, Trump is Raising a Frightening Amount of Campaign Funds – IOTW Report

Dems Scared, Trump is Raising a Frightening Amount of Campaign Funds

Wash Exam-

Democrats are beginning to worry about President Trump’s 2020 war chest, which is larger than any other sitting president in history at this point in the campaign.

Some strategists believe the eventual Democratic nominee will not be able to compete against the Trump campaign’s and Republican National Committee’s joint fundraising, which combined have $158 million on hand, according to Politico.

Trump’s reelection effort has raised about twice as much as former President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign had at this point in the race.


9 Comments on Dems Scared, Trump is Raising a Frightening Amount of Campaign Funds

  1. I know she wasn’t a sitting President, but didn’t Hillary have something close to a $ billion? If so, that makes her losing an even bigger enjoyable moment.

  2. Even more worrisome to Dems should be that all the news media gives him so much free air time. It may mostly by TDS-type attention but it still keeps Trump in their viewers’ minds. They have been talking about that ‘problem’ since 2015 – and they continue to give him tons of air time!

  3. Mr. Trump to the Dems: “Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!”

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