Atheist Richard Dawkins: Getting Rid of God Would Make World Less Moral – IOTW Report

Atheist Richard Dawkins: Getting Rid of God Would Make World Less Moral

Faith Wire – Richard Dawkins, perhaps the world’s most famous atheist, has admitted that eliminating God from the public consciousness would pose huge problems.

Speaking to British paper The Times, Dawkins insisted that if religion were to be abolished, it would “give people a license to do really bad things.”

Expanding on his point, the Oxford University fellow said that, without the presence of a higher being, “people may feel free to do bad things because they feel God is no longer watching them.”

Reverting to his sharp rhetoric on religion, Dawkins warned that people would feel entitled to do what they like because they no longer need to obey a “divine spy camera in the sky reading their every thought,” — a description he often uses for an omnipresent God.

Read more here.

Since the movie, “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed“, when Ben Stein interviewed Dawkins, this poor soul has been on my daily prayer list. I wonder if God is talking to him?

19 Comments on Atheist Richard Dawkins: Getting Rid of God Would Make World Less Moral

  1. How does an atheist establish something as being good or bad?

    I would think that, to an atheist, it would be a relative thing among those involved in whatever “moral” situation or activity they were involved in at the time.

    That would mean everyone would be good in their own mind, and no one would ever be bad with bad being a category relegated only to the actions of others and never to their own.

  2. “give people a license to do really bad things.”

    Thanks for validating a core tenet of Christianity, original sin, that left to his own devices man is inherently sinful, something Christians knew all along.

    As to whether God is talking to him, this is no act of redemption or even self-doubt. What he is saying is that if some deluded primitive folks act better because they mistakenly believe that some make-believe god is watching over them and will judge them someday, then this self-delusion promotes a more harmonious peaceful existence for the rest of us, so let them believe what they want.

    No, this poor soul has not found God and is still making a mockery of Christianity.

  3. WHICH God, you fool? You’re on record as despising Christ but I’ll bet my next paycheck you’d hate to see all knowledge of Allah disappear tomorrow without a trace, even though that would neutralize a whole lot of your conquerors.

  4. “How does an atheist establish something as being good or bad?”

    Power, eventually. Reason fails before raw, naked power backed up by brutality.

    “That would mean everyone would be good in their own mind, and no one would ever be bad with bad being a category relegated only to the actions of others and never to their own.”

    Also known as, “And every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Just before the judgment of God fell upon them.

  5. Idiot Atheists that talk like this are thinking ONLY of Christians.
    I mean…C’MON:
    can you *imagine* him suggesting to a muzzie that there’s no allah?

    SLAP CHOP! as the Sham Wow Guy would say….

  6. Feeling his age and mortality no doubt. No one escapes death. He will be remembered as a fool and will eternally regret his misuse of his free will. We should pray for him.

  7. Tyranny has reached the stage that libertarians should be joining militias.

    If you were a millionaire politician with child porn planted on your computer, would you rock the boat by criticizing the police state or keep quiet?

    No one should respect anyone who obeys laws or pays taxes. Anyone who loves tyranny is a traitor.

    Never think that tyranny doesn’t affect you.

    Millions of people who have kept quiet or joined the Gestapo have been killed by tyranny.

    The softcore tyranny with a smile in the USA will soon become hardcore tyranny.

    You can’t even trust the sports scores or weather reports today.

    Americans are being hit on all sides now. The US is a police state, the media lies, and anyone who loves freedom is called a racist, nutjob, bot, spammer, or troll, and is banned, gets an IRS audit, is arrested, or killed.


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