Donald Trump Has Fired, Demoted, or Suspended over 8,000 Veterans Affairs Employees Since Taking Office – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Has Fired, Demoted, or Suspended over 8,000 Veterans Affairs Employees Since Taking Office


President Donald Trump has relieved over 8,000 Veterans Affairs employees for failing their duty since becoming the president, according to VA Secretary Robert Wilkie.

“The standard is if you don’t live up to your oath if you don’t live up to the standards that our veterans expect, that you will be asked to leave,” Wilkie told reporters in a press conference on Friday. “This is a transformational moment in our history.”

Wilkie said accountability was a signature promise from President Trump, particularly after the Veterans Affairs scandals in Phoenix in 2014 and 2015.

Under Trump, he said, VA employees as high as network directors down to the lowest employees were removed for not performing their job to the proper standards.

“This is, I think, one of the strongest statements that we can make: That it is a new day at VA,” Wilkie said. read more

10 Comments on Donald Trump Has Fired, Demoted, or Suspended over 8,000 Veterans Affairs Employees Since Taking Office

  1. Now if he could only accomplish the same throughout the entire FedGov bureaucracy. Dept of “Ed” (koff! BS! koff!), Dept of Energy, FBI, CIA, Do(i)J, HUD, Farm Bureau, Dept of Interior, etc, etc.

  2. More! As micelle M. documented 16 years ago – The VA turned into a “shithole” in ’02. And has been a “shithole” for almost 18 years.

    But it never was good. 58 years ago I had a “dough boy” relative – that for you young uns s a WW1 vet. He was clearly “deplorable” and could not afford to pay Drs. . So he had no choice but VW. It was bad under JFk and probably ever since.
    The reason I did work “Americans wont do!” was to pay for college. Why? So I would not be dependent on the VA.

    Malkin says it is worse since Bill left 20 years ago. Thank God I do not know!

  3. As a disabled vet, I have few complaints. I’d like to think I’m getting good service. But I hear other Vets complaining, not sure if they have different problems, or just like to demand Cadillac care.

  4. A VERY good friend passed away about three weeks ago in a VA Hospital, the one in Kingsbridge in the Bronx. He was in and out for a two years and he finally succumbed. He had only two older sisters as remaining family.

    He was in the 25th Infantry Division, Tropic Lighting, for two tours in Viet Nam, a radio operator. He was missed dearly at the Legion Dinner Dance the other night this year.

  5. “The standard is if you don’t live up to your oath…that you will be asked to leave”.

    If that is truly the standard then the entire Congress and Supreme Court should be “asked to leave” (read: thrown out by the scruff of the neck, if not hanged).

    Accountability is great, but so is equal protection under the law. If we are holding some federal employees to their oaths, then we must hold ALL federal employees to their oath.

    Let’s get going. I can hear Trump now. YOU’RE FIRED! 😉


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