Rep. William Lacy Clay Jr. (D-MO) Campaign Has Paid Over $1M to Sister’s Law Firm – IOTW Report

Rep. William Lacy Clay Jr. (D-MO) Campaign Has Paid Over $1M to Sister’s Law Firm


A law firm run by the sister of Democratic representative William Lacy Clay Jr. (Mo.) has now banked more than $1 million from the congressman’s campaign since 2002, filings show.

The payments to the firm are often the largest expenditures from the committee. The campaign cash was disbursed to an address in Maryland and in part has gone toward community organizing services despite Clay’s district being located more than 800 miles away and the longtime representative having not faced any serious challenges to his seat since entering Congress.

Payments from campaigns to family members have gotten other politicians in hot water. Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.), for example, was hit with an FEC complaint over hundreds of thousands of dollars that her campaign paid to her daughter for running a mailer operation. More than a dozen politicians from both political parties have raised concerns of nepotism by placing family members on campaign payrolls in recent years, which is permitted but carries stipulations such as providing a “bona fide service” and paying fair market value.

Clay, who was elected in 2001 to a seat previously held for more than 30 years by his father, Bill Clay, began pushing money to family members shortly after taking office. Clay Sr. established the William L. Clay Scholarship and Research Fund in the 1980s to address concerns of rising tuition costs. The fund is one entity that has received cash from the campaign. Between 2002 and 2016, more than $30,000 in donations were made to the congressman’s father’s fund. read more

19 Comments on Rep. William Lacy Clay Jr. (D-MO) Campaign Has Paid Over $1M to Sister’s Law Firm

  1. Maxine Waters has had ethics complaints? People also get phone calls from the “IRS” saying that they are about to be arrested for tax fraud.

    The results are about the same in either case.

  2. This asshat is my congressman and he is crooked as hell!! Voting out a libtard like him is impossible here in the City of St. Louis….I love living in St. Louis, but I wish my conservative vote mean something.

  3. @Old Racist White Woman November 12, 2019 at 3:42 pm

    > We need an ethics board made up of citizens, similar to a grand jury.

    We need a Committee of Public Prudence, similar to a guillotine.

  4. Corrupt ass bastard.
    President Lazlo would demand all politicians caught in graft and corruption like in this article be stripped of office, and be given community service. Picking up trash on the road for years of his life in a bright blue vest.
    So that when the constituents he wronged see him on the road they can dispose of unwanted items in their cars for him to clean up.

  5. Mrs P and I are in the same boat. I’m in Arden, MO. I refuse to call it Ava. On the old maps it was Arden, and then one map I came across it was Posey.

    Apparently F4UCorsair is in this boat, too.


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