Honduran Migrant To U.S. Rejects Guatemala Asylum, Returns Home – IOTW Report

Honduran Migrant To U.S. Rejects Guatemala Asylum, Returns Home

OANN: A new report is highlighting concerns of fraudulent applications for U.S. asylum by Central American migrants. According to the Associated Press Sunday, a Honduran migrant who tried to enter the U.S. refused asylum in Guatemala and went back to his home country.

The migrant, identified as Erwin Montoya, voluntarily returned to Honduras despite previous claims he faced a threat to his life and needed asylum in the U.S. Montoya was offered refuge in Guatemala after President Trump reached a ‘safe third country’ agreement. His family said his dream was to live specifically in the U.S. read more

5 Comments on Honduran Migrant To U.S. Rejects Guatemala Asylum, Returns Home

  1. The future looks grim.

    Soon robots will do all the jobs. Americans will have the Internet implanted in their brains, will be tracked, and have exoskeletons that make them strong. Anyone who is too beautiful, fast, rich, or smart will be arrested or killed. The US will have equality like North Korea does.

    The only way to have any freedom now is to buy a sailboat or live in the Amazon.

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