From The Zo Loft: Baby It’s Cold Outside – IOTW Report

From The Zo Loft: Baby It’s Cold Outside

John Legend and Kelly Clarkson aren’t the only performers reworking the winter classic of romance before the fire place, “Baby It’s Cold Outside.”

Alonzo Rachel and Amanda Head Kennedy have given the playful standard an update closer to our “woke” times. Here

Note: Full lyrics given in the additional info box below the video.  

8 Comments on From The Zo Loft: Baby It’s Cold Outside

  1. Alonzo and Amanda give some great satire but I wish the backgound music had been lower and a touch slower so that their singing could have been clearer and a touch more in tempo like Dean Martins 1959 original. John Legend is just a publicity seeking, race-card playing asshole. I used to think more of Kelly Clarkson but it would appear she’s down at the same level as Legend.

  2. For the most part I stick with the Christmas classics as done by Dean, Frank, Der Bingle, Andy, Johnny, Steve and Eydie, Jack, Karen, Julie, Vic and all the wonderful Choirs, but of course there are quite a few good artists and musicians today to be appreciated as well.
    Here is a WWII Holiday Flashback that I love to play every year! It never fails to put a smile on my face.

  3. I posted a comic combining the song ‘Baby it’s cold outside’ with the TaunTaun scene from Empire Strikes Back to the sci-fi fan club page I run on FB.
    Yesterday someone complained the comic was offensive and sexist and demanded its removal. during the course of the conversation, i realized this snowflake was offended because an alert FB algorithms put under told him he should be offended.
    Snowflakes can’t even think for themselves! They have to be told what to think now!


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