Democrat Jeff Van Drew meets with Trump to discuss party switch – IOTW Report

Democrat Jeff Van Drew meets with Trump to discuss party switch


Rep. Jeff Van Drew, D-N.J., met with President Trump on Friday to discuss going across party lines and joining the Republican Party — this after he has spent months criticizing fellow Democrats for their push to impeach Trump.

A source confirmed to Fox News on Saturday that Van Drew met with Trump to discuss switching parties.

Another source told Fox News that Van Drew may be seeking a Rose Garden ceremony if he were to switch. Van Drew is one of two Democrats who opposed the resolution codifying the impeachment probe. In addition, Van Drew indicated last week he would not support impeachment and thought impeachment would backfire on Democrats. read more

19 Comments on Democrat Jeff Van Drew meets with Trump to discuss party switch

  1. I was worried about Trump overdoing it, but he wants a ceremony? Ok, dude.

    If you can do it, I can watch it.

    With little knowledge of him, I’m in Jerry’s corner at the moment. Come on in.

    Unless he’s got something super evil up his sleeve, this will blow the minds of so so many on the left. The crazy is going to go up past 11 now. Probably hit 15 after Trump’s reelected.

  2. Um yeah. I’d step back. Trump shouldn’t affiliate with this dude.

    If you wish to switch parties, run as Republican in your congressional district. If you win we can talk.

    Not until then.

  3. lighten up a bit folks.
    1) the guy’s shown he probably won’t vote impeachment because he didn’t vote for the inquiry. that’s a plus.
    2) one more repub in the House, instead of a d’rat.
    3)Ronald Reagan was a D’rat once, too (so was I when I first registered at the age of 18).
    4) everyone is redeemable (well, almost everyone). Trump knows this & knows he can use any help at all… & he’ll give him a short rope. hell, he’s used to juggling Lindsey Graham.

    I just hope he vote ‘no’ for impeachment as a D’rat … then switch (gonna look soooo much better in the court of public opinion … visuals, all about the visuals)

  4. I voted for him in the past when he was a state senator. He ran against a really conservative well liked Republican. Someone in Van Drew’s campaign “leaked” that his opponent was racist. His opponent was the complete opposite of being a racist. Not a word from Van Drew regarding this blatant smear. I will never vote for him again.

  5. Sometimes the best evangelists are converts. I know that when I finally figured out I was a conservative, there were a few people who tried to slam me for being false, but it was because I had to figure out exactly what a conservative is that made a lot of difference between me and, say, someone who just grew up in a Republican family and was a party-liner more than an ideological conservative. They never questioned or bothered to find out what one really was.

  6. I sure hope Trump let him know a Rose Garden Ceremony is off the table. Simply jumping off a sinking ship only shows a survival instinct. It doesn’t get you a damn parade!

  7. Maybe his light bulb finally came on this last year because of this farce. Came face to face with the ugly reality that is liberalism. And i still think nancy wont have the votes to impeach. When that vote comes, democrats are gonna be running out the door like hookers at a revival meetin’

    He sounds and looks like average Joe.

  8. I’m with PHenry on this. If you get elected by one party and you decide later to switch sides, you resign, return to your district and campaign as the other party.

    You hold office to represent the people who voted for you. Even if they are mouth breathing idiots or deceased.


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