Political panelist rips new Joe Biden political ad: ‘One of the worst slogans I’ve ever heard’ – IOTW Report

Political panelist rips new Joe Biden political ad: ‘One of the worst slogans I’ve ever heard’


“If Donald Trump is reelected, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation,” narrated Biden over images of Trump supporters followed by video of men marching with torches and Confederate flags. “We can’t. And I will not let this man be reelected president of the United States of America,” said Biden at the end of the ad.

“One of the worst slogans I’ve ever heard in a commercial is ‘I will not let Donald Trump be president,'” said Brad Blakeman, who is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and a former member of President George W. Bush’s senior staff. “That’s not the way our country works. We will decide — the people — as to who our president’s going to be.”

Blakeman went on the make the case that Democrats are trying to either impeach the president or ruin his standing among the American electorate. “Democrats are doing the ‘I’ by this inquisition we’re seeing before our eyes. They want two bites at the apple. Let’s try and remove him or damage him so bad… that he’s unelectable,” he argued.

“Hating somebody? That’s not the way you win the presidency,” Blakeman concluded. “You win the presidency by being hopeful. And there’s always a future and something to aspire to. You can’t hate Donald Trump out of office.”


14 Comments on Political panelist rips new Joe Biden political ad: ‘One of the worst slogans I’ve ever heard’

  1. They’re every move is to stop Trump from the next Supreme Court selection. This has been pointed out by many commentators and it makes sense. This will set them back for decades.

  2. Why? Elections have consequences….Obama/Biden wrecked the country and Trump/Pence is working hard everyday to restore, repair, and renew America.

    Who’s building and nurturing America? Certainly not the demorats…

  3. All the democRATs have is to try to leverage irrational emotions, i.e. Hate! That’s no reason to elect someone. A candidate needs to stand for something and have a platform that is better than the competition. No one is going to beat President Trump’s platform and proven record of success, let alone someone like Jackass Joe who has absolutely nothing to show for almost half a century of sucking at the public teat except his ineptness of being a second rate buffoon! If it was rainin’ soup, this grinning imbecile would pull out a fork! Sure, he knows how to grease palms, but if brains were lard, Biden couldn’t grease a skillet! Good ole Weepy, Sleepy, Creepy, Flip-Floppy, Sloppy, Slow Joe: All the mental agility of Karl Childers and the personality of a drunken, Tourettes-addled, Winnebago man. Just say NOPE to the DOPE!

  4. Democrats don’t like the US Constitution and want to twist and alter it to fit their desires. But they are not going to come out and tell you to your face. They are after money and power over Americans and will tell you anything to reach their goals. Constitutional back stabbers taking your rights away little by little in the dark mire of politics.

  5. …didn’t WE try to help ol’ Joe out with slogans before?

    We DID! A COUPLE of times!



    …well, he didn’t like THOSE, maybe we should try AGAIN?

    (Joe pondering)

    “”Vote Joe 30330 and he’ll feel you like a little girl again!” Oops, wait, “MAKE like he feels little girls again!” No, no, Make OUT with little girls again! SH!T, it’s “You’ll feel like a little girl again when Joe sniffs you out!” Oh, malarkey, what’s the big f’in deal, anyway…”

  6. The Democrats have several decades of corruption to cover up and the challenge has driven them insane. Whomever coined the phrase “drain the swamp”, really hit the nail on the head.

  7. Dey gon’ putchya’ll back in chainz redux.

    I notice Biden doesn’t sexually molest black women and children at his rallies so maybe he’s the real racist. He doesn’t bury his nose in their hair.

    Maybe, unlike Obama, they’re not as clean as his racially superior sommelier’s nose demands.

  8. The Chicoms had to laughing up their sleeves for decades with shitbergs like this asswipe in positions of power. Biden is a walking disaster, and TPTB in the dem party fookin’ know it.

    There is simply no way he gets the nod. Not only would Trump crush his idiocy but he’d make such a spectacle of their party that even with their penchant for The Memory Hole, the videos would live on forever.

    Now the media can obfuscate his “missteps” because there is still a KlownCar of others in the race. Should he get the spotlight, there’s just no way even the alphabets can sweep the epic fail under the rug.

    If you want a lifetime of comedy gold, you want Joe to run against Trump.


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