Robert De Niro Thinks President Trump Deserves A Bag Of Feces Thrown In His Face – IOTW Report

Robert De Niro Thinks President Trump Deserves A Bag Of Feces Thrown In His Face

Good actors are often dumb as feces. This is the case with this enterTAINTer.

I’d like to see a bag of de Niro thrown in de Niro’s face.

Daily Wire-

The 76-year-old actor hates President Donald Trump, but he’s come up with a whole new disgusting way to show his hatred.

“I’d like to see a bag of s**t  right in his face,” De Niro said Friday during an appearance on the “Rumble” podcast of film director Michael Moore, another sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

“Hit him right in the face like that and let the picture go all over the world,” De Niro said.

De Niro also said he hopes the candidate who wins the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination will try to humiliate Trump whenever they can.

The nominee has to “confront him and put him in his place because the people have to see that, to see him be humiliated,” the actor said.


40 Comments on Robert De Niro Thinks President Trump Deserves A Bag Of Feces Thrown In His Face

  1. From the piece of shit who made a living portraying us Italians as a bunch of uneducated Mafia Thugs.

    Life imitated art more than any of these assholes chose to admit. Ten years ago everyone was talking like Tony Sopranno. Thirty years ago it was Don Michael and Scarface.

    As a Canadian WOP I’d like to throw a shovel full of shit to the stereotypical crap he perpetuated!

    Now if you will all excuse me, I have to go make tomato sauce and deliver a horses head to an associate!

  2. “ Actors are pretty stupid. My opinion is not worth anything.” ~ Anthony Hopkins … the last intelligent actor

    you read what other people write
    you emote as the director instructs you
    you dress in what the costume designer creates
    you go to your mark as the choreographer instructs

    other than distraction, you do not create anything of lasting value
    yet, you get earnings in direct opposition for what you actually contribute to society

    you are no more than a court jester … a fool

  3. What a black joke. Every time thiscolossal horse’s ass has anything to say about President Trump, it should be followed by the scenes of him berating his driver for not picking him up in front of the courthouse after his divorce hearing. You know the one I mean. The one where this tough guy is hiding his head behind a New York Times newspaper ( how appropriate ). Sometimes I think De Niro’s lousy, homosexual, artist father caused this asshole to become a veritable sinkhole of bottomless stupidity. If you don’t believe this theory, take a look at the crap his talentless father painted that De Niro collects. By the way, “The Irishman” is farcically implausible.

  4. btw, DeNiro’s 2 best movies were ‘Raging Bull’ & ‘Taxi Driver’

    movies he was obviously type-cast in … a loner loser asshole w/ serious emotional daddy & anger issues

  5. This is monomaniacal allegiance to the democrat party. It’s worship. That’s at the heart of TDS. If Trump had a D after his name and had done all the same things, this guy would love him. I can’t understand how anyone could be so eaten up with the DNC. What good have they ever done?

  6. It’s nearly amazing how many actors/actresses spent most of their lives wooing the general public for attention and love.
    Now look at how many have become wealthy enough to co-opt half the public with their hatred which they themselves would be unable to explain or define.

  7. “Well, he’s just the dumb ape to do it…if he had the guts to.”

    NONE of the asshat lib “entertainers” has the courage to do anything but shoot off their pieholes. Chickenshit f*cktards, one and all.

  8. Robert (or Bob with two O’s) You ignorant ass
    Of course you hate President Trump.
    He could give a shit about your opinion though, and that makes it intolerable, doesn’t it?
    Hard to fight a guy that won’t acknowledge your existence.
    Go sniff your own wine farts you pompous drunk

  9. I have to admit I enjoyed Jackknife, The Deer Hunter, and Angel Heart.

    Kathy Baker, and Ed Harris were exceptional in Jackknife.

    Chris Walken, John Cazale, and John Savage were excellent in The Deer Hunter.

    Mickey Rourke, and Brownie McGhee were in top form in Angel Heart.

  10. This azzhole is dead broke and his estranged wife Grace Hightower is going to force him to sell his plasma to pay support until he’s as dry as a blocked urethra.

    Hey, Robert…
    Cummings, Dingell, and McCain need a fourth for poker and have saved a seat for you next to the fire.

  11. I’m beginning to think ole Bob woke up at 5 a.m. with a horse’s ass in his bed. He started to scream in shock, then noticed it’s only a mirror. He’s still trying to figure out why his reflection looks like that.

  12. 76 year old man acting like a 10 year old having a temper tantrum in public.

    I may say things as childish, but typically in a joking manner. This De Niro guy is serious. He would really love to see somebody (he hasn’t the cojones to do it himself) throw a bag of poop at President Trump.

    He belongs in a mental ward.

  13. I think its part of his strategy to line up another acting gig. He’s really got to make a supreme effort to endear himself to the wretched liberals that run the film industry. Roles for old has-been actors are few and far between.

    Good luck with that, old creepster.

  14. Where does Bob Deniro live? I was on Poop Patrol in my yard yesterday, following Auggie around. I gotta nice big paper grocery sack fulla dogshit with his name on it.

    I reckon I can place the sack on Deniros porch, light the sack on fire, give the finger to his Ring doorbell…

    You know the rest

  15. What, exactly, is his problem with President Trump?
    Specifically – what has President Trump done to invite such wrath?

    Protect the country?
    Booming economy?
    Energy independence?
    Cut back on the swarms of hateful criminals?
    Appoint “judges” who profess to adhere to the Constitution?
    High employment for negroes?
    Seven million off welfare?
    Lower taxes for those who work?
    Job availability for those who want to work?

    Sorry, Bobby, I don’t get your teenage angst.

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. To add to what Molon Labe said above about actors meager abilities, please note that they are often poorly educated and surround themselves with sycophants and live in echo chambers so they spout all liberal crap all the time.

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