Navy SEAL who shot bin Laden mocks Biden: ‘Politician in DC for 44 years’ – IOTW Report

Navy SEAL who shot bin Laden mocks Biden: ‘Politician in DC for 44 years’

WA/EX: Robert O’Neill scoffed at the notion that Joe Biden could bring any type of change to Washington, D.C., after spending most of his life in public office.

Biden, 77, was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1973, where he represented the state of Delaware for 36 years, only leaving his seat to spend eight years in the White House as President Barack Obama’s vice president. The former vice president took two years off from holding down a job in Washington before announcing his third presidential bid in April.

In a tweet posted Sunday, O’Neill mocked the idea that Biden could be the change he promises for Washington, D.C. “[Joe Biden] was a politician in D.C. for 44 years. But if elected, he’s gonna change Washington…” O’Neill tweeted. read more

11 Comments on Navy SEAL who shot bin Laden mocks Biden: ‘Politician in DC for 44 years’

  1. It isn’t just Biden who’s the problem, it’s the whole lot of them — all career politicians at every level of government. But you can bet your last dime that the politicians will never ever pass an Amendment for term limits. Anyone who thinks they will is just plain naive. Until we convene a new Constitutional Convention and have all elected positions at every level limited to a single term, written within the body of the Articles with exceptional immunity to Amendment, the rot will remain. Unfortunately, a CC opens the door to everything else, as well. All bets are off once it’s convened, and it could turn ugly really quick. No good options, I’m afraid.

  2. I’m not sure what I think about a Navy Seal that continues to blow his own horn about being the shooter of Bin Laden. Actually I do know what I think, I don’t like him.

  3. Term limits are a feel-good solution with devastating unintended consequences. Once they know the end is coming, politicians will have zero interests in pleasing anyone except the special interests who offer to feather their nest after they leave office. You think they ignore voters now, just wait until they are lame ducks due to term limits. Examples…Corker, Flake, Alexander, etc.

    The Founders got it right. As stated above, we’ve got term limits now, they’re called elections.

  4. Navy Seal kills Bin Laden and lives, so far, to tell about it. My many concerns include that if he were silent, perhaps Hillary, Biden, Senator Blumenthal, Senator Hiawatha,or some other Democrat ie. Barak would take credit. His name was made public by others and now he has worries so I cut him some slack..Seal Team 6 was outed by Jeff Bezos and we wonder why they all died..

  5. Me again, I thought it was obama/biden that outed Seal Team 6. Bezos might have reported what those two TRAITOROUS BASTARDS said. A lot of those guys were on the ill fated and likely set up, Extortion 17.


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