Girls do porn, then sue the company and win – IOTW Report

Girls do porn, then sue the company and win

Strangely, they had a good case.

(NEWSER– Nearly two dozen women who say they were coerced and tricked into shooting porn videos have won their case in court, Ars Technica reports. On Thursday, a California judge ordered the popular porn site GirlsDoPorn to give $13 million to 22 female plaintiffs—but whether they’ll ever see a dime is unclear. “Plaintiffs have suffered and continue to suffer far-reaching and often tragic consequences,” the judge wrote in the tentative statement. “Collectively, they have experienced severe harassment, emotional and psychological trauma, and reputational harm.” Their losses include “jobs, academic and professional opportunities, and family and personal relationships.” Several of them even considered suicide.

The women say they were offered $5,000 or more for the videos, which were purportedly for sale to private collectors abroad. But GirlsDoPorn posted them on the company’s website and Pornhub instead, along with the women’s names and social media details—so the women were “doxed and harassed relentlessly,” per the Washington Post. The women had also been pressured into signing vague contracts after the crew plied them with drugs and alcohol, the judge said. Now GirlsDoPorn owner Michael Pratt has fled the country and moved his assets abroad. more

22 Comments on Girls do porn, then sue the company and win

  1. The tactics used by the proprietors of that website was borderline rapey. In addition to misrepresentation, breaching contracts and also running the websites that doxxed the participants who were extorted.

    I will fly you to San Diego to model clothes. I meant porn. If you won’t do porn, I’ll sue you for airfare, breach of contract and you can call your family to pick you up – assuming you have one or one that won’t kill you when they find out.

    Honestly, this settlement is shortchanging them and they’ll have a hell of a time collecting.

  2. Again and again, women have no accountability in our gynocracy. Never their fault. No wonder most women go through life as children these days. The difference in attitude between the 60 somethings I work with versus the 30 somethings is like from different planets.

  3. @ Cliche

    The pornographers were scumbags and deserved to be sued, but the young prostitutes (and having sex for money is prostitution),had a choice to make and they made the wrong one. To allow someone to take intimate photographs or videos of oneself is just stupid.

    If something sounds too good to be true, it almost always is.

  4. Doing porn is the second most debasing act a woman can do – prostitution being first.

    These “stupid whores” are the product of the American left, and they’re self-destructing as planned. Of course, the stupid whores will vote themselves benefits, which we will pay. In other words, we will be their slaves, if we allow them political power.

  5. Mtg: Moral judgments aside, they were specifically told these videos would not be put on the internet, that they would be anonymous, etc.

    You are potentially talking about just turned 18 year olds who may have been given drugs to influence their decision to both act and sign a contract. Potentially threatened and isolated by several men to have sex or face legal repercussions for violating a contract while under the influence they provided. Bait and switch and threats.

    I understand the sentiment that if they weren’t prostituting themselves that they wouldn’t be in this predicament but this is a little more complicated than that as evidenced by the verdict.

    The guys who ran the porn company also ran the website that started posting their names, addresses and phone numbers on the internet.

    Needless to say, fleeing the country and moving assets out of the country to avoid prosecution and civil penalties does not sound like someone convinced of their solid legal footing.

  6. @CG

    I read the decision. Like I said, the pornographers are scumbags and the whores were stupid for agreeing to be whores. Sometimes, especially in situations like these, you just leave and take your losses.

  7. @Cliche Guevara January 4, 2020 at 8:17 pm

    > fleeing the country and moving assets out of the country to avoid prosecution and civil penalties does not sound like someone convinced of their solid legal footing

    Nor someone convinced of the integrity of the ruling regime’s “judicial” system.

  8. They got lied to, I get that, but am I supposed to sympathize because some paid whores’ anonymity was not respected? Because I don’t. They were willing to whore themselves, they just didn’t want anybody else to know about it.

  9. Got fucked by the porn producers and then fucked by the lawyers.
    Now they can run for Congress in either New York or California.

    “Honey, if you drop your drawers and bend over the table, somebody’s gonna fuck you!”
    (and if you’re at a party, EVERYBODY’s gonna fuck you)

    izlamo delenda est …

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