Justin Trudeau’s Brother and Iranian Connection – IOTW Report

Justin Trudeau’s Brother and Iranian Connection


Welcome to the hidden world of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s brother, Alexandre “Sascha” Trudeau. Why hidden? Because if the general Canadian population understood exactly who brother “Sascha” is, it would damage Justin’s reputation and dilute his voter-base.

Therefore, establishment media eschew the entire affair. CAP will do no such thing.  Listed in Alexandre Trudeau’s documentary “The New Great Game” as producers in association,” but not acknowledged by the CBC, was Iran’s state-funded propaganda arm Press-TV, along with the broadcaster Al-Jazeera Arabic.

So brother Alex is a film maker for the militant Iranian regime. Wonderbar.

CAP Question: When making a film financed by the Iranian government, to what extend is one permitted to criticize or condemn any aspect of Iranian society?

Answer: No extent at all. Bingo–Brother Alex is a card-carrying supporter of fundamentalist and militant Islamic regimes.


ht/ nm

9 Comments on Justin Trudeau’s Brother and Iranian Connection

  1. You guy have the Clinton’s and we have the Turdos.


    This is all old news though.

    We are lucky though.

    One of the little shits (brother) died skiing in an avalanche years ago. All i can hope is that the Family continues to SKI, all be it on our dime!

  2. Everyone thinks this is about ideology (which is what the left wants us to think). It’s not.

    As we are seeing, it’s all about making money. Right trudeau? Right obama? Right clinton, pelosi, biden, kerry, stephanopolis, under-employed actors, etc?


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