The ‘Trump Grabbed Schrodinger’s Pussy’ Theory – IOTW Report

The ‘Trump Grabbed Schrodinger’s Pussy’ Theory

American Thinker:

By Clarice Feldman

As you may recall Schrodinger’s cat is a quantum physics paradox in which hypothetically a cat may be both alive and dead at the same time. My online friend “The Infamous Ignatz” offers up, quite rightly in my opinion, there is “The Universal Quantum Trump-Grabbed Schrodinger’s Pussy Theory. He is not only the cause of all known phenomena in the universe but the cause of all potential phenomena as well.”

Last week the theory was offered up as an explanation for the Iranian shootdown of a Ukrainian passenger plane. This week the Pelosi House sent up a grab bag of ridiculous claims to support their articles of impeachment, and in a tacit recognition that they are weak, kept adding to the charges with claims as dead on arrival as the articles themselves. This ploy served them ill in their effort to block Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation and will not help them now.

Lev Parnas

Parnas, under indictment for federal crimes, has, as my online friend Vic Sapphire notes,” more stories than Scheherazade.” 

Joel Pollak at Breitbart questions whether Parnas has anything to offer to support the Democrats’ case in spite of his interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow who grabbed at this turd (mistaking it yet again for the game ball) ran with it to the end zone, and declared victory. 

The most telling fail of the Parnas claims is that he has no firsthand knowledge to support any of them. What he offers are the opinions of a man indicted for conspiracy, making false statements and falsifying the record.

Among his 10-point argument that Parnas’ credibility is in serious question and “many of his claims about Trump are dubious or contradicted by other evidence” are these:

He claimed he acted at Trump’s direction but shortly after the interview, he said he never spoke to the president. He told Maddow he represented himself to Ukrainian officials as the president’s representative, but, in fact, he represented himself as working for the president’s attorney (Giuliani). He told Maddow he conveyed a threat to the Ukrainians unless they cooperated by investigating Joe Biden, but Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky flatly denies this. He claims Attorney General William Barr was “on the team,” but concedes he never spoke to Barr and didn’t know whether Barr had ever spoken to Ukrainian officials. Parnas was allegedly CNN’s source for the report that Congressman Devin Nunes had gone to Vienna to meet with the former Ukrainian prosecutor when, in fact, Nunes was in Benghazi, Libya at the time.

The similarity between the parade of new “evidence” for impeachment reminds most of us, including Legal Insurrection, of the never-ending parade of witnesses against Brett Kavanaugh.

8 Comments on The ‘Trump Grabbed Schrodinger’s Pussy’ Theory

  1. this is what the Senate will get if they call witnesses … the never-ending parade of schizophrenic wackos, fairy-tale freaks w/ a hope for 5 minutes of fame (like most every Ho-wood actor & singer & Batty-Ford bad actress wanna-be), & knob-polishing scum-bag lawyers … then you have the lowest-of-the-low d’rat politicians who will sell their own children for sacrifices to the gods of lucre (but, first they’ll take yours), & willingly sell out the United States for comforts provided by our enemies (Russia, China, Soros, Iran, etc.)

    no matter how many witnesses the repubs agree to the d’rats will insist on the next shitweasel crawling out of the dumpster w/ some crazy made-up story

    once they agree to witnesses, they’re stuck … much easier to say ‘no’ from Jump Street. the progtards & media (but I repeat myself) will wail & gnash their teeth. but regardless, no matter when they cut off the witnesses, the asswipes will piss & whine.

  2. which leads one to ask if Trump grabbed the pussy was the pussy dead or alive at the time?

    … ’cause if you don’t understand the difference then take my advise … you shouldn’t be a grabbin’

    it’s like all quantum & stuff …


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