Busted!- George Stephanopoulos Caught on Camera Signaling To Cut Off Trump Defense Lawyer From Speaking – IOTW Report

Busted!- George Stephanopoulos Caught on Camera Signaling To Cut Off Trump Defense Lawyer From Speaking

20 Comments on Busted!- George Stephanopoulos Caught on Camera Signaling To Cut Off Trump Defense Lawyer From Speaking

  1. Remember how the early Soviet elites sent completely inexperienced urban folks to the woods with orders to scratch out a living by farming, leading to thousands of famine deaths?

    Stephanopoulos is one of those who would LOVE to see something like that repeated.

  2. So insecure in their own beliefs they fear the light of day like Nosferatu. Bring on the sunshine!
    And apparently I do like calling people names because this guy, although small in stature, is a gigantic fck face.

  3. If this guy didnt work as a corrupt propagandist, where else would he make a living?

    Democrat fascism is all about lesser people trying to make money the dishonest way – or sexual deviants finding political protection.

  4. As if no one ever knew :

    Georgy Boy demonstrating what a hypocritical, lying puke he has always been.
    Why is he still on television ?
    Why is Rachel Maddow ?
    Why do all cable networks carry CNN that nobody watches ?

  5. Did anyone expect anything less from this commie hack masquerading as a Journalist? I can only hope somebody finally cans his ass when his ratings drop into the toilet.


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