The Return of The Bullpen– sorta – IOTW Report

The Return of The Bullpen– sorta

We’re still going to call this page The Bullpen, even though it’s not exactly the way it used to be. The story submissions will not be archived. About 50 of them will appear until they drop off into oblivion. This is more like a tipster hotline.

(Please don’t abuse it as a chat box, causing the stories to be buried in your chit chat. Abuse of the app will result in something… and it will probably not be good.)

If any stories are grabbed from the Bullpen and used on the front page, the tipster will get full attribution.

Give it a try, and visit often to see what your friends are talking about and linking to.

See it HERE. (The link to the page is also in out main menu above and there is a link in the left sidebar.)

29 Comments on The Return of The Bullpen– sorta

  1. grool
    FEBRUARY 9, 2020 AT 7:58 AM
    “Antidote, the only bad thing that can happen to a spambot is the person programming it gets unplugged.”

    …the local power company had to do some transformer work and cut my plant off for 10 hours, and one of my Cartesian robots lost a comm card. It couldn’t talk to anyone, but it didn’t LOOK especially unhappy, so I’m not sure if it felt punished or not.

    …although Douglas Adams suggests this…

    “Ford carried on counting quietly. This is about the most aggressive thing you can do to a computer, the equivalent of going up to a human being and saying “Blood…blood…blood…blood..”

    Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, #1)”

  2. grool
    FEBRUARY 9, 2020 AT 7:59 AM
    “SNS, where’d you find Aunt Esther biting off a guy’s tongue?”

    …you don’t think a better question would be where did Aunt Esther find a guy that WANTED to stick his tounge in her mouth?

  3. …and it took me THIS long to figure out the LINK was where to put the story suggestinons, NOT HERE.

    …maybe I should run in AOCs district, at least in morning brain mode…

  4. Supernightshade FEBRUARY 9, 2020 AT 7:50 AM
    “^^^This story suck”

    …referencing a spam post that has since been deleted, the thread it now seems to be pointing at does NOT suck, sorry…

  5. Bullpen-sorta usage notes:

    — You can’t set up a hotlink with the HTML tag <a href=”www.whatever”>TEXT</a> the way we can normal comments.

    — Hitting the ENTER key won’t give you a new line in your entry. Instead, it is the same as hitting the SUBMIT button.

  6. This will alleviate, I hope, great tips being lost in my email box. There are so, so many emails that I miss or can’t get to. It’s not fair. Even if I don’t see them in the chat box, someone will!

    And this doesn’t mean I don’t want to be emailed. It’s so good tips don’t go poof into the ether.

  7. I’m such an air head- why did I not know about this? :0

    Glad that I know now… if I see any good stories or something I’ll be sure to post it there. 🙂

  8. Couple things/threads to suggest:

    A Friday night hootneanny…put up a vid and lets’ party!

    A place to link to for passed on critters.

    A daily billboard ‘ a cork board to pin up an idea’ to post whatever, kinda like this bullpen thing.

    How bout a today in history daily?? Maybe ‘hey it’s me b-day! (without making a big deal…)

    This reminds me of the back page of the old Village Voice before the smut showed up. Ha ha…

    Celluloid Heroes for the Zeros in Hollowood tonight! A GREAT song by the great Kinks:

    Sending a e-mail, for a story, to @BFH can be like sending out a SCUD and hoping for the best. You just might hit.

    BUT that said I REALLY appreciate those responses and h/t’s!! Like us all…


  9. How about a good day vs bad day at the office post?

    Anyone here go to an office everyday, or a job site, or work at home, retired (god bless ya)?

    Former military vets? (see above)

    Who works on the road?

    There appears to be a LOT of different types here at IOTW.

    Comics more than anything, and that’s good after coming home or getting up for critters, Sunday and otherwise.


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