School Admin says American flag is potentially “offensive” and “disruptive.” – IOTW Report

School Admin says American flag is potentially “offensive” and “disruptive.”

From the Bullpen, via ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

Students show up displaying American flags on vehicles after administrator said to remove them

youtube- FRANKLIN COUNTY, VA – Franklin County High School students show up in unity on Tuesday displaying American flags on their vehicles after an administrator allegedly told them to remove them. “My son called me from school saying that he saw an administrator around his truck and is now being called to the office,” the mother of one of the students said. On Monday, the mother said her son and two of his friends were told they could no longer fly their American Flag on their trucks because it was potentially “offensive” and “disruptive.”

She says she received a call from the school principal Jon Crutchfield on Monday evening. “He has apologized to the boys and told them that it is not against the rules to fly their flag on their truck. Apparently, it was a big misunderstanding that should have never gotten this far,” the mother said. BTW21 News reached out to the Franklin County Public Schools Administration and, as of noon, has not received a call back.

17 Comments on School Admin says American flag is potentially “offensive” and “disruptive.”

  1. My son called me from school saying that he saw an administrator around his truck and is now being called to the office.

    That administrator needs to be dog-piled and pink-bellied every day for the rest of his pathetic life.

  2. The old John Prine song But Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You Into Heaven Anymore needs to be changed to But Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You Into School Anymore. “While digesting the Communist manifesto behind the school administrator’s office door a bunch of kids drove up with flag decals on the back of all their trucks bumpers”….. You can finish the rest however you want to but just know this jerk needs to be removed forcibly from any of his administrative duties immediately and never allowed on any school grounds anywhere ever again.

  3. Every time a lib does something incredibly fucking stupid and gets nailed for it, they reply “it’s a misunderstanding”.

    No asshole, it was understood loud and clear. Your state is moving towards an open civil war. Remember what happened to democrats in the last one?

  4. Geez, Franklin County is central Va, not one of the northern counties near Washington D. C. – where I expected to be for this kind of nonsense, er ah, “big misunderstanding”.

  5. In the educator’s defense, he got an “A” in educator school for his essay titled “The US flag is a symbol of hate and oppression used by the Patriarchy to intimidate people of color, women and LGBTQ people.”

  6. This is the outcome of years of communist infiltration and subversion, particularly in education. Many of those now in positions of power in both colleges and secondary schools are actively working to overthrow our system. This is why children are being taught so much that is blatantly wrong or simply utter drivel.

    If you think the US flag is offensive, then raise your hands and make yourselves known. We need to talk.

  7. Teachers’s union has not changed in 70 years! I spent many hrs in detention in ’59 +’60 correcting the Communist lies teachers were telling students about the “white nationalist” Ike and Operation Wetback being raaaaaacist! the teachers unions have been, and still are, antiAmerican! BTW Still graduated in the top decile! But none of this teachers gave me an A even though in most claes I was by far the most learned student!

    “the more things change, the more…”


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