Violent Crime in South Bend Doubled During Mayor Pete’s Tenure – IOTW Report

Violent Crime in South Bend Doubled During Mayor Pete’s Tenure

Dan While the youngest on the field by far, Pete Buttigieg proved on the debate stage last Friday (yes, there actually was a debate) that he was just as adept at dodging questions as any seasoned politician.

During a discussion on race, one of the debate moderators asked Buttigieg about why the disparity in black arrests relative to white arrests for drug crimes increased under his leadership as Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Buttigieg tried to dodge the question by arguing that rates of drug arrest are lower in South Bend than the rest of the nation – which the moderator quickly shot down by pointing out the irrelevance of that answer when the fact is that they still rose under his tenure. After Buttigieg then deflected entirely in the rest of his answer, the moderator asked Warren “Was that answer substantial from Mayor Buttigieg?” which drew immediate laughter from the audience (and a swift “no” from Warren).

And there’s a good reason he doesn’t want to talk about how record in South Bend. read more

15 Comments on Violent Crime in South Bend Doubled During Mayor Pete’s Tenure

  1. If you ask his supporters they will tell you that what makes him an out standing candidate for President is his stretched out anus. And that’s really all that matters.

  2. Two politicians proud to let everyone know, everything. One, Barney Frank. Two, this poster boy for a sweaty upper lip commercial. And both have comical last names coinciding with their known proclivities. Yet when answering questions, the ‘gig, stays in the closet.

  3. You can’t even listen to this guy when he is trying to give a straight answer. He says so little when he speaks so much. He does one hell of a verbal impersonation of the Keystone Cops.

  4. “Violent Crime in South Bend Doubled During Mayor Pete’s Tenure”

    Written like that’s a bad thing. Not in totalitarian-ville.
    The WHOLE idea is to make the citizenry afraid, so afraid, in fact, that they demand a “Police” state. Then give me what they want! In Spades! Further atomize society by making them suspicious of each other (ties in with the Police state through an “informer” network) and destabilizing the “mediating” institutions (Churches, Civic Clubs and Groups, Brotherhoods, Fraternities, Benevolent Associations, &c.).

    Seen it before and we’re seeing it again – just that now we’re so severely mal-educated that we don’t recognize the events as they unfold.

    izlamo delenda est …


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