Don’t fall for fake news – IOTW Report

Don’t fall for fake news

We have to be careful. Plain Jane alerted us in The Bullpen about this one >

I instantly recognized that image as the product of an online meme generator.

Here’s the story

11 Comments on Don’t fall for fake news

  1. No matter how much you don’t like Buttigieg (or Sanders, Warren, Biden, Bloomberg, etc.), going out of your way to fabricate falsified information about him in an effort to harm him will end up harming you.

    There is plenty of harmful truth about them to go around. No need to fake it.

  2. My Petey B would never do such a thing! Although he does lick his own balls (Then mine!) and sniffs his own ass (Then mine!). Bad dog Petey B! Bad dog!

  3. When you see stories like the newspaper article posted, sit back for a couple of days and wait. If you find the MSM trying to spin it as something else, then you know its probably true. Pelosi ripping up the papers is a good example. They don’t deny she did it. They just point out that she didn’t rip it after every Trump talking point.

  4. Somebody’s just payin em back in their own coin.
    Or the work of a provocateur.

    There’s enough to hate about this … uhh … this … uhh … abomination … without making stuff up.

    izlamo delenda est …


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