Trump DOJ Turns Its Eyes Toward Sanctuary Cities – IOTW Report

Trump DOJ Turns Its Eyes Toward Sanctuary Cities

The Trump administration looking out for the AMERICAN people, like they are supposed to.

Culled from The Bullpen via Guest_1871

Justice Department launches legal assault to roll back sanctuary cities.


The Justice Department unleashed a legal assault on sanctuary jurisdictions across the country Monday, filing a new round of civil lawsuits asking judges to overturn the policies, and warning state and city officials they could soon face their own criminal charges for harboring illegal immigrants.

Lawsuits were filed against California, New Jersey and King County, in Washington, each of which has adopted novel ways of interfering with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s ability to arrest, detain and deport illegal immigrants.

Attorney General William P. Barr also said his department is taking a look at state and local prosecutors who pursue lesser charges against illegal immigrants in order to keep their rap sheets cleaner, keeping them off ICE’s radar.


8 Comments on Trump DOJ Turns Its Eyes Toward Sanctuary Cities

  1. This is a big subject and many here are impatient for criminal arrests.

    I say continue – and increase (as Trump’s DOJ is doing now) – the legal squeeze on cities and states violating Federal law on this issue.

    It’s also a huge campaign issue and needs full exposure.

    After lawsuits are won and their unlawful practices continue, start with the arrests.

    I know – “this should already be happening” – but remember, Trump has barely HAD a DOJ under his supervision for that last three years.

  2. …it’s gotta get done, but I can PROMISE you that they Democrats are salivating over the prospect of an “Elian Gonzales” image for their “Orange Man Racist” campaign commercial…and if they don’t GET one, they WILL fabricate one, no doubt about it, so I hope he’s prepared…

  3. Three fucking years too late but better than never. Better hope Trump wins next year and the GOP keeps at least the Senate, or this will all come to a screeching halt, and we’ll all be pack to democrat shitsville.

  4. Slow walking this till Trump is no-more, then we’ll be back in swamp territory – – no where. JUMP DOWN THEIR THROATS and wake them up. Enough with the nice guy BS.

  5. I like the “state and city officials they could soon face their own criminal charges for harboring illegal immigrants” plan.

    I also agree with MJA, “Cut the states’ funding. No more loans. They get highway funds cut down to a third. Don’t recognize their states’ ID for federal forms, if they have given the illegals drivers licenses.”

    Now that President Trump is out from under the assault (for now) from Congress about every little thing he says and does, he can move forward.

    We need to give him a strong House and Senate to accomplish everything we want him to (and what he promised and also wants to do). I pray that voter fraud will not be a factor and that we have enough true conservatives running to replace the Democrats.


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