Video: Halifax police are “keeping the public safe” from Ezra Levant – IOTW Report

Video: Halifax police are “keeping the public safe” from Ezra Levant

So glad the police are keeping everyone safe from Levant’s jaywalking. This can’t have anything to do with who Levant is, can it?

Rebel News is apparently not well-liked by Trudeau’s government, the Sharia-compliant dickwads.

via shrt n swt  in The Bullpen

19 Comments on Video: Halifax police are “keeping the public safe” from Ezra Levant

  1. In other news from the Great White North. In BC, the required car insurance is from ICBC, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia — a “Crown Corporation.” A current licence plate tab indicates that your required insurance is up to date.

    Well, ICBC is floating an idea to save money on your insurance: they want to take away the ability to take ICBC to court to fight them. They want to require you to take whatever settlement they offer you with no right to challenge or appeal.

    “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

  2. damn Canoe-Heads! Now we gotta build a goddam Wall on our Northern border too!

    Beaners to the south of us,
    Mohammedans to the north,
    Stuck in the middle with you……

  3. There is a book called “Ordinary Men”. Long story short the Holocaust started with C line troops, older men, fathers and grand fathers who came in after the front line troops moved on. They were called the “Order Police”. They weren’t killers. Just men too old for the front lines but young enough to wear a uniform, follow orders and keep order.

    Just like the fellow who was tasked with the job of keeping Ezra Levant on a short leash. He is just following orders and he is proud of his job, his badge, that gives him authority and power to put someone like Levant in jail should he Jay walk or ask awkward questions to someone the state has decided needs protection from someone who wants to ask them awkward questions. Where is antifa when there are actual fascists to fight? (that was a rhetorical question)

  4. I’m amazed that the CanoeHead Cops haven’t confiscated Ezra’s camera and then pummeled the crap out of him and given him a WoodShampoo with a Billy club.

    That’s the next step in a Socialist enforcer’s playbook.

  5. That’s why I am ashamed of my Country.

    There are multiple railroads and highways being blocked by Natives protesting a pipeline today all across Canada and the only guy I have seen arrested was a western Canadian who was removing the “Garbage” (tires & wood pallets from the road that the natives used to block traffic.

    Vomitus Canadus

  6. Fighting socialism and brutally cold weather must be difficult to do at the same time. Like in Scandinavia.

    Laplander #1: Bro, I’m freezin’ my ass off. Help me.
    Laplander #2: Here, Lars, take a big swig of this Aquavit…you’ll warm up real quick.
    Laplander #1: Sven, I can’t do that…my doctor says my liver is shot from drinking that reindeer piss.
    Laplander #2: Lars, you worry too much…they’ll just plug in a brand new liver for ya…it’s written in our medical insurance.
    Laplander #1: Sven, that’s the problem. They tell you it’s a new liver, but it’s just and old liver from some other drunk wasted Laplander.
    Laplander #2. OK Lars…there is only one other option for you….snuggle up to me and hold me tight all night…

  7. @Kcir

    Get the Northwest Mounted Police to stop mounting their horses long enough to shoot the damned natives.

    Native sons-a-bitches – they get in the way of progress, always. No joke. It happens all over the world.

  8. @TimBuktu:

    Since they are blocking rail & highways because they want to stop an oil pipeline I would blockade the fuel for their ATV’s, Snowmobiles, 4×4’s, and stop the ice road truck convoys that risk their lives to bring them supplies goods. But Trudeau is currently on another vacation.

  9. @Kcir
    I have an old Air Force buddy who lives in South Dakota. He said that the pipeline companies supply the Native American pipeline protesters with truckloads of beer to leave their equipment alone. He said it’s very effective at stopping the vandalizing.

  10. @Kcir

    Don’t be too ashamed. Britain has its Labour Party, the US has its Donkycrat Party. We all have an eternity to defeat socialism, if need be.

    And, I think it is US liberals and their entertainment allies that the source of the social sickness that has enveloped the world. Which means, of course, that it is US Conservatives that must kill the sickness at its source. That will free the entire world from the evil that, for one reason or another, started in the US, particularly California.

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