Las Vegas Newspaper Warns Bernie Sanders Nomination ‘Guarantees a Trump Second Term’ – IOTW Report

Las Vegas Newspaper Warns Bernie Sanders Nomination ‘Guarantees a Trump Second Term’

Never heard of them. But OK.

Breitbart: The Las Vegas Weekly newspaper endorsed Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and former Vice President Joe Biden (D) this week and warned that nominating Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) would guarantee President Trump’s second term.

With the Nevada caucuses nearly a week away, the paper issued its official endorsement, touting both Klobuchar and Biden as candidates who “can beat the divisive and destructive incumbent in November.”

The paper briefly mentioned some of the other candidates who were under consideration but saved the harshest critique for Sanders, calling him a “clear non-starter.”

“Sanders is the only clear non-starter. It’s impossible not to regard the Vermont senator in a Trumplike mold—he seldom has shown an ability to build consensus and threatens to use executive orders extensively, just like Trump,” Las Vegas Weekly assessed.

It also doubted the socialist senator’s ability to “assemble a highly qualified Cabinet,” which would make him, the paper claimed, the “left-wing version of Trump: isolated, angry, unable to work with others and showing too little respect for dissenting opinions.”

“A Sanders candidacy simply guarantees a Trump second term,” the paper said.

Las Vegas Weekly, however, praised Klobuchar as a “sincere and results-oriented leader” who is committed, the paper claimed, to working across party lines. It noted her moderate approach to health care and the college debt crisis and touted her “intense focus” on the working class. read more

9 Comments on Las Vegas Newspaper Warns Bernie Sanders Nomination ‘Guarantees a Trump Second Term’

  1. “Las Vegas Newspaper Warns Bernie Sanders Nomination ‘Guarantees a Trump Second Term”

    How obvious is this? C’mon. I’m so glad that the left is so completely clueless. However, consider the ramifications of so many idiots voting over the decades to come.

    For now, all is well in Trumpland. These folks will lose their minds and/or commit suicide in November.

    I’m good.

  2. “Las Vegas Newspaper Warns Bernie Sanders Nomination ‘Guarantees a Trump Second Term”

    How obvious is this? C’mon. I’m so glad that the left is so completely clueless. However, consider the ramifications of so many idiots voting in the decades to come.

    For now, all is well in Trumpland. These folks will lose their minds and/or commit suicide in November.

    Which means.. I’m good.

  3. I said from the get the Libs had one Legit Candidate. Tulsi Gabbard. She’s anti Clinton and called out Obammy for supplying arms to our enemies. And true to form the DNC has submarined her big.


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