If Sanders Wins the Presidency – IOTW Report

If Sanders Wins the Presidency

16 Comments on If Sanders Wins the Presidency

  1. if Comrade Bernie wins … there’s no chance of anything he wants passing through congress, many of his executive orders will be fought in court …. & his running-mate will probably be prezzy-dent within 2 years

    all PDT needs to do is run on Bernie’s heart attack … Feel the Bern!

  2. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN! When I was at the Wildwood rally with Mr. Pinko and Toots Sweet and their friends, the question came up: Who do you want as the presidential nominee on the left?

    And to their shock I said Bernie Sanders. Why? Because I explained that better than John McCain, or Mitt Romney, Donald Trump can make the case against socialist and Communism! This is the president to stomp this in the neck!

  3. Bad_Brad
    FEBRUARY 14, 2020 AT 11:29 PM
    “But we won’t be out of ammo.”

    …I remeber reading a story along these lines about when Gorbachev’s “perestroika” was in effect during the dying of the old Soviet Union…

    …one day, an old man went down to the State bakery to get he and his old wife some bread. He stood in the line for hours as usual, but before he even got to the door, it was announced there would be no more bread today.

    The old man exploded. “I am a veteran! I fought the Nazis! I am Hero of the Soviet Union! Gorbachev is terrible and the Party is terrible if they can’t even provide a Hero his bread!”

    …responding to his rant, a large man in a trenchcoat pulled him aside, showed him a KGB badge, and said, “Comrade, comrade, why do you take on so? Why do you make a fool of yourself in public, saying such terrible lies about the Party? You know what we would have done in the old days”, he said, pointing a finger at his temple and pulling an imaginary trigger. “Now go home, and don’t say such lies any more”.

    Totally defeated, the old man hunched his shoulders and went home.

    The old woman, seeing his empty hands and crestfallen face, asked, “What’s the matter? Were they out of bread?
    “Worse”, he replied. “They are out of bullets”.

  4. Uncle Al
    FEBRUARY 14, 2020 AT 11:32 PM
    “Rumor has it that Hillary Clinton was overheard talking to one of her bodyguards: “Bernie Sanders is dead to me. Go make sure of that”

    …”Will no one rid me of this turbulent pest?”
    -Hillary “Henry II” Clinton

  5. If Bernie Sanders won the presidency, before too long we might have his VP as president. Bernie’s already had a heart attack and he’s not actually used to doing any work, doing anything but yakking.

  6. @Bad_Brad February 14, 2020 at 11:29 pm

    > But we won’t be out of ammo.

    So, so, true.

    But to paraphrase the great philosopher Montoya, “I do not think that means what you think it means.”

  7. I was in Communist East Germany in early 1990 and got to observe the long lines of people waiting for hours and hoping to get their rations of basics like toilet paper. Hundreds of poor souls waiting in dead silence. No one spoke and no one ever smiled. When I asked why no one uttered a word in public, I was told 2 words (in a whisper) “Not Trust”. To add to the depression, I couldn’t help notice the absence of color in clothing worn by the victims of Socialism. Everyone except the Russian soldiers wore either black, grey, or brown clothing. A minimum of 3 Russian soldiers armed with Kalishnicov weapons at every intersection. I think of those sights every time I see all those young blind people standing behind Bernie Sanders at rallies. Father forgive them, they know not what they do….

  8. This date early 80s, we drove from Ramstein AFB to East Berlin. Commie side was dark, filthy, hopeless. West Berlin was bright, cheery, modern, and clean. Commie side still had bullet holes from WWII, polluted air from coal plants. Too bad today’s youth can’t see the difference between communism and capitalism.


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