Michelle Obama Laments, “I’m a Black Woman in America… We’re Not Always Made to Feel Beautiful” – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama Laments, “I’m a Black Woman in America… We’re Not Always Made to Feel Beautiful”

ht/ jerry manderin


See the source image
Image result for beautiful black women
Image result for beautiful black woman
Image result for beautiful black woman
Image result for beautiful black woman
See the source image
Image result for michelle obama ugly

I don’t think race is the problem.

66 Comments on Michelle Obama Laments, “I’m a Black Woman in America… We’re Not Always Made to Feel Beautiful”

  1. If by far chance one of you Mooch lackeys read this let me be as crystal fricken clear as I can.

    There is nothing, ABSOLUTELY JACK ASS NOTHING, attractive about a fat ass cro-magnum tranny.

  2. There are plenty of white and other women
    who are not made to feel beautiful and the
    biggest reason is that they are not beautiful.

    Every person can be thought and imagined as
    beautiful but usually only in a certain way.

    There are individuals who are astonishingly
    beautiful and it usually has nothing to do
    with race, gender age, color differentiations.


    Shut up.

    You don’t know what you’re talking about !

  3. “I’m a Black WOMAN in America…”


    *tapers off, big breaths*

    …oh, you’re SERIOUS?!? Permit me to laugh EVEN HARDER!

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAjajajajajajajajajajjaja(laughing in Spanish because it’s too stupid for a single language to cover) WOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFBARKBARKBARK(laughing in Dog because even DOGS know you’re not a woman), *gasp* *hitch* *small fart* sssstop, I’m gonna pee…

  4. joe6pak
    FEBRUARY 15, 2020 AT 7:20 PM
    “Being hung like a Yeti doesn’t make him beautiful. I stole “hung like a Yeti” from someone here, I thought it was funny.”

    Yo, thank you…

    FEBRUARY 14, 2020 AT 4:45 PM
    FEBRUARY 14, 2020 AT 3:09 PM
    “Michelle Obama: Living proof that your mother was right– your face can get stuck that way.”

    …to be fair, you’d probably make some awful, angry faces too, if you had to keep your cock and ballz duct taped in the crack of your azz all the time, especially if you’re hung like a Yeti and it keeps peeling off at inopportune times…



  5. Let me guess, it’s hard to feel beautiful when you need to ask an underpaid Wal-Mart stock boy to unlock the hair relaxer cabinet in an effort to appropriate white females. Ya’know just connecting with them common folk.

  6. It is nobody else’s responsibility to make someone FEEL anything. How you feel about yourself is up to you, not me. I am under no obligation. If you don’t FEEL beautiful, Michelle, that’s on you.

    Honestly, this woman is such a hot mess of insecurity. And the way she masks it is to play the victim. Fuck her feelings.

    /rant over

  7. This is a softball: obama, you are a racist pig, a useless parasite, and one of the ugliest fat bee-atches that ever got her (or his?) mugg on public display.

    Rot in hell, cunt.

  8. “I don’t think race is the problem.”

    A tranny needs to take him under his wing and teach the Mooche how to look like a woman. The Mooche needs to work on that scowl – freaking scares me looking at his face!

  9. What a bitter, contemptuous person. After all that America did for her, she still needs to crap on us. She is a horrible person and I think she knows it deep down in her sold-to-satan soul. I’m guessing that she’s upset that her travel junkets aren’t still paid for by us and don’t make the front page any more. Her 8 years of fame are up but she just can’t go gracefully into the sunset.

  10. Sounds like those Marxist Vineyard liberals aren’t being accepting enough now that she isn’t FLOTUS anymore. They don’t have to worship at her feet so that must mean racism of course. Right

  11. Sassy the Sasquatch “shtruggling” to adapt to human standards of beauty. No amount of shaving, weaves, makeup or tucking can make that hateful, miserable, gender bending, missing link beautiful.

  12. It’s absolutely true, isn’t it? All progressives are, at bottom, narcissists. It’s a mental disorder of the first rank.

    FLOTUS Trump is undeniably the most beautiful FLOTUS — through and through — to ever grace our WH and country.

    It must be very vexing for Michelle Obama, no matter how hard she tries, to “feel beautiful” in a marriage to a known homosexual man, knowing that any feelings he has for her are platonic, maybe even mere tolerance. No amount of money or things can fill that void. One would think she’d be a little more guarded about airing her neurotic dirty laundry.

  13. Seriously, who gives a shit what this bitter old hag has to say? There’s a lot of textbook psychology going on in her statement. “She” is one petty, bitter, jealous and pompous creature. It’s always amazing that those who are in reality insignificant with few accomplishments form such high opinions of themselves.

  14. … made to feel… This is the essence of the victim… the essence of leftist ideology. YOU must take responsibility for all MY desires. And you must handle them to MY satisfaction on MY schedule.

    Please, grow up. Failing that, go away.


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