Clarence Page: Biden’s SC Win Will Be Narrow, ‘Could Lead to the Collapse of His Campaign’ – IOTW Report

Clarence Page: Biden’s SC Win Will Be Narrow, ‘Could Lead to the Collapse of His Campaign’


On Friday’s “McLaughlin Group,” Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page predicted that while 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden will win South Carolina’s Democratic presidential primary, it will be by a “much lower” margin than people expected early in the race, and this will “raise serious questions that could lead to the collapse of his campaign.”

Page said, “I think Biden is going to eke it out in South Carolina. He’s going to win. But it’s going to be so much lower than what had been expected early on that it’s going to raise serious questions that could lead to the collapse of his campaign.” watch

15 Comments on Clarence Page: Biden’s SC Win Will Be Narrow, ‘Could Lead to the Collapse of His Campaign’

  1. We in SC are planning a big Operation Chaos. Dems always crossover in our primaries so this is perfect timing to mess them over. My husband is voting Warren to keep her in longer and dilute the field. I’m voting for Crazy Bernie because he’s giving the DNC so much heartburn. Biden might win here, but he’ll be bloodied up. It seems like it’s up in the air. Too many of us crossover voters to really tell.

  2. Sybil
    FEBRUARY 16, 2020 AT 5:18 AM
    “We in SC are planning a big Operation Chaos. Dems always crossover in our primaries so this is perfect timing to mess them over. ”

    …that’s what I thought in ’08 when I crossed over to deny Hillary. Primary voted for some guy I never heard of just to piss in her soup, Barack somebody.

    How’d THAT turn out?

    Oh. Oh NO! Oh my Lord…

    Sorry, sorry America, sorry, God, Lord, please forgive me…

  3. OTD – That’s almost better than Pete the Pooter Shooter!
    Although Jackass Joe could be called a Pooter Shooter as well since he shoots himself in the ass every time he opens his big mouth!!

  4. What I’m seeing and hearing in South Cackylacky
    I expect Jim “Fish-eye” Clyburn will do what he’s told and endorse Biden. Clyburn’s already chimed in that Buttigiggles has a anti-fag problem among the blacks and they also don’t care for da’ white bazillionaires Steyer and Bloomberg. Warren is only taken seriously by a few aged boomers that miss their screechy mother in law. The Klobster isn’t getting any traction here and the rancid commie, Sanders is popular with the college crowd who can’t wait for all the free sh*t despite the fact they’ll be the ones paying for it if Bernie was elected.

    The original Operation Chaos was great but now unfortunately, the left expects it. You could always write in a candidate. Something that rhymes with flinton comes to mind.


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