Give ’em The Old One-Two – IOTW Report

Give ’em The Old One-Two

Fox News

A 77-year-old man is being hailed for his bravery after video caught him going toe-to-toe with only his bare knuckles against an apparent knife-wielding mugger in the United Kingdom earlier this month.

The senior, identified as Trevor, had just withdrawn money from an ATM in Cardiff, Wales, early on Feb. 5 when an unknown white male approached and demanded his cash and bank card, South Wales police said. More

11 Comments on Give ’em The Old One-Two

  1. Don’t worry. Some pencil neck official will find a way to charge him with something now that the video has gone viral. Last thing they want in an example of what men should be!

    Same as my Cuntry. Full of C-nts!

    That “robber” should be embarrassed! A 12 year old girl or a would have slapped him silly. What happened to men?

  2. I have two thoughts.
    The first is why is the assailant quickly identified as white? Why don’t I see stories where the attacker is black or other ethnicities identified as such?
    The second is a possible rewrite on a song by liberals: Where have all the flowers gone by Peter, Paul and Mary:
    Where have all the good men gone
    Long time passing
    Where have all the good men gone
    Long time ago
    Where have all the good men gone
    Young girls pick them, every one
    Oh, when will they ever learn

    Good on you, mate!!

  3. God help me if that’s what I have when I’m 77. And whatinthehell is this old guy going to an ATM at night for? I mean I give the guy his props but the attacker was hit with 1 creampuff and bailed??

    He should count his blessings ans reassess his banking habits.

  4. “The first is why is the assailant quickly identified as white? Why don’t I see stories where the attacker is black or other ethnicities identified as such?”

    I imagine it’s one of those dog bites man vs. man bites dog sort of things.

    Normal events usually don’t merit reporting but unusual ones do.

  5. @MMinLamesa – why should I at the age of 27 or 77 be worried or intimidated about going to the fucking bank? Are you willing to live like this? In your town?

    Are you kidding? Who CARES why he wanted his own money!!

    That ASSailant should count his blessings he’s not dead. My assumption from his fighting style that he was a drug addict of some type.

    That OLD guy could have flattened him if he wanted to. When I saw his hands go up and what @DifferentTim said ‘C’mon let’s go’.


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