“A Stranger in Town” – IOTW Report

“A Stranger in Town”

From Abigail Adams-

Frank Morgan (Wizard of Oz) plays a Supreme Court justice who spends his vacation duck hunting in a backwater town that is run (corruptly) by the mayor, the judge and their cronies. 

It’s really corny and sweet, and has a powerful message for everyone at the end. 

This film came out in 1943 when we were well into WWII.  It’s interesting how the message comes at a time when FDR was packing the SCOTUS with his own judges.  Joe Grant must have been a holdover.

Film: “A Stranger in Town” — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_n-Z5fiXvo

IMDB:  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0036395/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_4

8 Comments on “A Stranger in Town”

  1. A great movie. At 8:20, the character nonchalantly brings his shotgun into court as he’s brought for arraignment.

    Some time ago, even criminals were expected to act with decency.

  2. Another really good (1946) film is “Colonel Effingham’s Raid”. You’ll love Charles Coburn in the title role. Another film that depicts small town life, political corruption and how it’s foiled by a small, but determined, group of people. Also stars a host of fine character actors as well as Joan Bennett as the voice of honest journalism.


    One of my favorites! In fact I’m going to watch in right now on my tablet (I know all the dialogue). 🙂


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